Category Archives: Donations for International Adoption Families

Hosea 14:3 “For in You the orphan finds mercy”

Since 2002, His Kids Too! has provided adoption grants for those families adopting internationally . Hundreds of families have received well over 100K in grants, benefiting their Godly desire to provide a loving home for an orphan child. We have recently revised our program to allow donors to make donations directly to His Kids Too! requesting that a family benefit from their tax deductible donation. All donations over $25.00 qualify for tax credit.

Below are our present families, using licensed adoption agencies to assist them with their international adoption. His Kids Too! believes that it is critical that grant recipients use licensed agencies due to (unfortunately) the vast amount of corruption in international adoption. As a donor, you may read each profile, pray over them, and if you desire, make a tax deductible donation, via on-line, or via postal service:
His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Ct.
Tallahassee, FL 32303

Attention: Grants

(please note that PayPal removes a fee for all transactions)

We ask, that you include a note requesting that your donation benefit a specific family or any family. His Kids Too! will notify each family of their growing grant, and you will see any updates under each family. The beauty of this program is that the funds are with the family, so that they may choose any international orphan to adopt. If something unexpected occurs to the original child they desire to adopt, the funds stay with the family to adopt another child. As long as the child is in a country other then the U.S., families may use their grant funds to assist with that adoption. If the adoption does not take place at all, donors are notified and given options for their donation.

The Roberts Family

We are Brandon and Sarah Roberts and we have four young sons. We’ve known each other since high school and have been married for nine years. Early in our relationship, we shared with each other that we felt called to someday grow our family through adoption. Our family expanded quickly with four little boys, right in a row. After our fourth son was born, God moved in Sarah’s heart in a big way. Before we knew it, our hearts were longing for the daughter we know God has chosen for our family. We can’t wait to bring her home. Her brothers pray for her and talk about her constantly. When we began our journey, we believed we would be adopting from Ethiopia. However, a little girl on the Waiting Child List through our agency captured our hearts and God has moved in us once again, this time to South Africa. At this time, we are trying to complete the necessary steps as quickly as possible, as well as gather the funds to bring our daughter out of an orphanage, into our home and into our family, where she belongs. We are so grateful for all support, prayer, and wisdom of those that choose to walk this path with us. We believe what God has commanded, He will accomplish.

If you feel called to make a tax deductible donation, please send your gift to the address below:

His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Court
Tallahassee, FL 32303

The McKenzie Family

We are older parents, not having given any thought to having children until a trip to China in 2006. We returned one year later to adopt a child who had a congenital heart defect that needed repair. She is thriving now, four years later! Of course we have spent those years in speech and physical therapies to help her gain a life that had not been possible before her surgery. We were privileged to be in a wonderful church that supported us in every way that they could … offering their contributions to her adoption costs, praying over her surgery and recovery, and welcoming her into the church family.

Once again we feel compelled to consider that we might add another child to our family, believing that God has established our daughter in her life and is now making it possible for us to help another child grow beyond what is possible for him without a family. We have preliminary approval to adopt a ten-year-old boy, who will be 11 in the winter. We hope to be able to travel in late spring to welcome him into our family but we will need the same support from a broader community to do so. Since we have recently moved to a new area, accepting new positions and starting over again in a church family, we do not have the same base of support that we did in our first adoption.

We have found God to be faithful in every endeavor and know that He will provide for this adoption as He provided for the last one. We are grateful for the amazing ways that He demonstrates His faithfulness to all of His children and look forward to seeing how His hand will move people to contribute to Jacob Timothy coming home to a family of his own.

Ken and Joan McKenzie

If you feel called to make a tax deductible donation, please send your gift to the address below:

His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Court
Tallahassee, FL 32303

The Zeren Family

 My family has been greatly touched by the mission trips a few of our friends made to India. Through them we came to know and love a little girl with special needs, currently living in an orphanage. We very much want to be her family. We have three wonderful sons, AJ, Ben and Henry, who are all very excited about having a little sister to care for and play with.

Will and Michelle met while in college, and have been best friends for 11 years, married for over 8 wonderful years. The years have flown by quickly, and our three sons bring us so much joy. Michelle has an Early Childhood Education degree, as well as a BA in English. She loves children and greatly enjoys being a mom. Currently she is a stay at home mom and a free-lance Search Engine Optimization writer. Will enjoys nothing more than a nice game of soccer with his boys and cooking with his wife. He is a Civil Engineer and greatly enjoys showing his boys the blueprints for future building projects. A perfect day involves outside time and games with his family. He is greatly looking forward to having a little princess to indulge.

Our family loves to be outdoors and spend simple time together, camping, hiking, and just enjoying each other. Cooking together and eating every meal together is something we feel is important, as it gives us all time to just talk and unwind from the day. We put a lot of importance on keeping our family strong and really interacting with and paying attention to the needs, feelings and thoughts of everyone. We are very blessed.

We are praying for a $4,600.00 grant to help with some of the final fees we need help to pay soon.

We are so very humbled by the help we have gotten so far, and we greatly appreciate the support, prayers and love we have gotten as we work hard to bring our little girl home to us.

If you feel called to make a tax deductible donation, please send your gift to the address below:

His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Court
Tallahassee, FL 32303

The Foreman Family

We are Jason, Dee, & Evelyn Foreman. We are working on the adoption of our second child from China. Pu Min Fen, who we will name Lydia Glenn, is six years old and has a condition called PFFD. Proximal femoral focal deficiency (PFFD) is a rare, non-hereditary birth defect that affects the pelvis, particularly the hip bone, and the proximal femur. The disorder may affect one side or both, with the hip being deformed and the leg shortened. In Liddy’s case only one leg is affected.

We usually get questions of why we want to adopt such an “older” child. But why not is what we always ask in return. Liddy needs a family and we long for another child. We know in our hearts that she will fit perfectly with our family. Evelyn is beyond excited to have a sister!

While we long to be parents again, funding is a huge issue. We long for nothing more than to be Liddy’s parents and fill our home with the joy of another child. But, we like many other adoptive families have funding issues. Adoption is expensive! We need some help to bring Liddy to our family. We hope that you will make a tax deductible donation to our adoption of Liddy. We really want to be her parents. Thank you for donating to our family and helping us be parents again.

Jason, Dee, Evelyn, and Liddy too!

If you feel called to make a tax deductible donation, please send your gift to the address below:

His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Court
Tallahassee, FL 32303

The Oelke Family

Phil and I have been married for eleven years. He is a 6th grade teacher; I was a school social worker but currently am a stay-at-home mom. We began an adoption process in 2006 after being told we could not have kids. At the time, China’s wait time was around one year. We watched that time frame expand – which was very difficult! The Lord surprised us with not only one, but two miracle babies in the next 5 years! What a blessing and show of his wondrous love for us! Our boys are 3 and 1. We stayed with our China adoption as we felt that our daughter was there and waiting for us. And now that wait time is nearly over….Our LID is September 26, 2006, and China just matched dossiers from September 11, 2006. It looks like we’ll be matched with a baby and get a referral in late August. We will travel there 6-8 weeks later to get her. So instead of our original plan of her being our only child, she will be the little sister of two doting big brothers!

Phil and Debbie Oelke

If you feel called to make a tax deductible donation, please send your gift to the address below:

His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Court
Tallahassee, FL 32303

The Beatty Family

My wife and I met in September of 1999 and we courted for a year and a half where we spent a lot of time at the beach, snowboarding and rock climbing to name a few. We basically enjoyed being together and were married in December of 2000 in Coeur d’ Alene, ID.
We currently have three wonderful children (two biological and one adopted) Hunter age 10, Jaedyn age 8 and Micah age 7. Brenda and I were saved in 2002 slightly after Hunter was born and have been attending church and walking with the lord ever since. We love to spend all our free time with our children so any and all family outings are centralized around being together. We love to ride bikes together, take our kids camping in the summer and in the winter we like to go skiing as a family.
The Lord has put it on our hearts for some time to adopt as we adopted Micah (Ethiopia) at age three We feel that the Lord has led us to adopt from Uganda and we are feeling led to adopt a couple of children – He may have different plans – so we will let Him decide. You might wonder what made us decide to do this and all we can say is that it was God who put this desire into our hearts although Brenda can no longer have children we feel the Lord’s calling in this area of our lives very strongly.
• “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you” James 1:27)
We are excited about the opportunity to offer these kids our love and to learn about Jesus. We know God has special children chosen just for us and we are eager to be completely faithful and obedient to what He is calling us to do. It will be exciting to see how He works out the whole adoption process.
It will be an eye opening process to see what God is going to do in our lives through these kids. The process is long and not without obstacles but we are ready for the challenge that the Lord has set before us; as we want to follow his will and path throughout this whole process.
In His Grip,
Larry and Brenda Beatty

If you feel called to make a tax deductible donation, please send your gift to the address below:

His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Court
Tallahassee, FL 32303

The Houck Family

After the death of my son 5 years ago, I never dreamt I would be interested in bringing another child into my life. But since that time I have married a very loving and caring woman. My wife asked me several times if I would like to adopt a child. She said she always wanted to provide a home for a child in need. I was undecided and felt that I should ask God for an answer. As always, in late December of last year I awoke and my answer came to me. Not only did I want to adopt one child, now I wanted to adopt a sibling group. Of course my wife was very excited when I told her I found a sibling group in the Ukraine I would like to adopt. We started the adoption process in February.

If you feel called to make a tax deductible donation, please send your gift to the address below:

His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Court
Tallahassee, FL 32303

(Disclaimer: His Kids Too! is aware of the pre-selection laws of Ukraine, and as stated above, ‘these are the 3 children they desire to adopt’.  If they are not able to adopt these children, funds will be used for the adoption of other orphan children in an international country.)

The Muenich Family

Stephen and Michelle are currently in vocational ministry to college students at Texas A&M. After having their first child, Ezra, God opened their eyes to the millions of orphans around the world who deserve parents. After praying (and researching, and discussing, and praying some more), they are moving forward to adopt a child from Ghana. They are currently assembling their dossier and hope to bring home their son or daughter in the summer of 2013.

If you feel called to make a tax deductible donation, please send your gift to the address below:

His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Court
Tallahassee, FL 32303

The Moore Family

After being blessed with two loveable dogs that make our lives interesting we decided our home wasn’t full enough and that children would help fill our days. After much time and tears we realized that adoption was the answer we needed to our prayers. Our journey has been long as some of you may know. However, it is getting closer every day.

We know there is a little boy or girl in Russia just waiting for us. As our home study wraps up we realize the ball is rolling quickly now. As this is the case we also realize we have about a $10,000 final goal to reach and would love all the help we could get to making our adoption our family reality. Any amount would be a blessing and all your well wishes and prayers would be a blessing as well.

Jennifer and Jerrad Moore

If you feel called to make a tax deductible donation, please send your gift to the address below:

His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Court
Tallahassee, FL 32303

The Walker Family

Dean and I are the parents of seven beautiful children. We always wanted to adopt internationally but didn’t know when or from where. In 2009 God specifically called us to two little boys in Zambia, Africa. We brought them home in April, 2010. We had our fifth biological child in March 2011 and thought we were done. In late 2011, God specifically and clearly called us to two precious little boys in China. Both children were born with cleft lip and palate as well as other facial anomolies. Our third biological child, Azlan, was born with the same condition and it has been amazing to see how God has lined everything up for “such a time as this”.

Adoption is very close to the heart of God, as He adopted us into his eternal family through Jesus. We are humbled to be used by Him and cannot wait to bring our precious little boys home.

Dean & Janice Walker

If you feel called to make a tax deductible donation, please send your gift to the address below:

His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Court
Tallahassee, FL 32303