Transitional Living Services

At His Kids Too!, we care for orphans and their surrounding community through our comprehensive ministry programs which share the love of Jesus Christ through tangible physical aid and social services.

Transitional Living Services

Helping to equip the ‘aging-out’ orphan to have a positive transition into the community.

**The facility will be located in one block the Christian Children’s Home.I frequently hear untruths about the plight of the ‘aging out’ orphan in Ukraine.  I encourage people to seek out the truth and be careful where you send your God given money.  His Kids Too! now has 2 foster homes ready for occupancy for orphans 10-18, we think we have foster parents for this placement, but we need funds to underwrite the project.  If your heart is for the teen orphan, please consider a monthly sponsorship of a teen, house parent, or the project.  For very little you can impact a life. Please contact us directly for more information.

Our vision: is that orphaned children in Ukraine can grow in an atmosphere of dignity and respect, fulfill their God-given potential and, ultimately, participate in the economic and spiritual future of their country.

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