Current Needs

“How wonderful it is that nobody need to wait a single moment before, starting to improve the world.” Anne Frank

Please check our front page for the MOST current needs

April 2017

His Kids Too! is presently serving many local poor children, Internally Displaced People, invalids, elderly, and UA military with needs that are not being met by anyone. For some we will not get there in time, but for many with your help, we will and we can reach even more. We have several programs being set up for feeding, medicine, diaper and vitamin programs. You or your group can sponsor a program. Here is a list of other immediate needs with which you can help:

  • Footwear for the fatherless – we need sport shoes for teen orphans
  • Men’s needs:quality clothing, and shoes sizes 8-11, sport shoes, boots or slippers would be great!
  • games:  checkers, chess, cards, dominoes, UNO cards
  • Therapy equipment: $1500 per facility (1 presently in need)
  • Crutches with arm bands, walkers, walkers with front wheels (2)
  • Diapers: $ 0.25 per day per child
  • Funds to continue diaper program This program requires $1000.00 monthly to maintain.
  • Art supplies for several children that have specifically asked for this that are bedridden
  • funds for feminine hygiene products for our teen girls(this program requires $50.00 monthly to maintain)
  • diabetic supplies – we have 4 patients that are getting the absolute minimum insulin, their need is URGENT for funds to purchase insulin in UA.
  • volunteer travel expenses:  Our reliable volunteers in Ukraine, need $30.00 monthly for transportation costs to deliver aid to facilities

Medical Needs

Special thanks to Fresh Start Surgical Gifts of San Diego CA for their special talents to transform the life of Natasha, a young girl brought to the U.S. by His Kids Too! for surgery.  Natasha who has Treacher Collins Syndrome, has made WONDERFUL progress after several surgeries.

Immediate Needs “…and immediately they left their nets and followed him…” Matt. 4:20

Prayer Requests

“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” Luke 5:16

Presently, we have several areas of prayer in which we are petitioning God:

  • For the orphans. Pray that the Ukrainian government will show compassion on them, and provide them with the things they need. Pray that our workers there will not be met with resistance when helping these defenseless children.
  • Adoption: With a new governing agency handling adoptions, we pray that the adoption process will be swift and efficient.
  • For this ministry. We always need prayer for decisions in dealing with governments, corporations, shipping companies, and our own health and families. God is so great, so just, and so gracious. May we continue to serve Him with joy!

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