News Flash

  • Due to developing technologies, we now offer our Newsletter to supporters (please contact us directly, to be placed on the mailing list), along with frequent updates on Facebook, and on our homepage.   Enjoy these ‘news flashes’ as you can see the favor of God working to help us help orphans.
  •  2007-10-15 – “Thanks so much for the $1,000 you gave towards Dalina’s water project. They have clean drinking water now! Praise the Lord!” Theresa W., Albania
  • 2007-10-01 – Christmas boxes are sent to Ukraine – hundreds of volunteers from 14 states ship boxes this weekend for Jan. 2008 delivery for orphans.
  • 2007-08-13 – Early Project Planning team is created for the Christian Children’s Home project.
  • 2007-08-14 – Thanks to Share-A-Pair, 500lbs. of shoes were sent to Ukraine.
  • 2007-08-01 – Edward V. is added as a Advisory Board Member.
  • 2007-07-29 – Thank you Frieda for the great clothing donations!
  • 2007-07-29 – Tradetopia becomes an Impact Partner!
  • 2007-06-23 – 7-21 -His Kids, Too! team of Americans provide a Bible camp, and distribute aid to orphans and children. Please visit the Photo Gallery, and our Newsletter section for details.
  • 2007-06-20 – Thanks to Shawn C. of Texas, the boy with CP will have a lap top computer to do his school work!
  • 2007-06-20 – Special thanks to Option Care of Tallahasse for the donation of $12,000 in wheelchairs!
  • 2007-06-19 – Thank you S. Wolcott for the great ‘teen’ clothes.
  • 2007-06-01 – Special thanks to the many people, groups, and churhes who donated over 250+ pair of CROCS for kids that will attend the summer camp. Some of the shoes are enroute, others will be hand carried.
  • 2007-05-16 – Thanks to Glendale CoC for 250 pr. of underwear!
  • 2007-05-15 – Thanks for Frieda, her sister and friends for the great donations of coats, scarves, gloves, hats, and some OTC medicines. They are such SUPER SENIORS!
  • 2007-05-07 – Thank you Judy G. for the great sport balls!
  • 2007-05-07 – Very special thanks to J. Walker and Raa Middle School (Tallahassee FL) for the great coats, jackets, sweaters, shoes and more. Over 200lbs. of winter garments.
  • 2007-05-01 – To date, for the year 2007, His Kids, Too! has provided $22,000 in adoption grants to those adopting internationally.
  • 2007-04-20 – Thank you Frieda H. and her friends for the greata donations of blankets, sweaters, mittens, sweats, and more! They are on their way to Ukraine.
  • 2007-04-16 – Teresa Fillmon speaks to Florida State Christian Nurses Assoc. about how they can help His Kids, Too!, several nurses commit to support.
  • 2007-04-10 – 700 lbs. of aid are shipped in preparation of the summer camp and trip, THANK YOU for your help.
  • 2007-03-28 – His Kids, Too! distributes thousands of pounds of aid to 18+ facilities.
  • 2007-03-22 – Director, Teresa Fillmon leaves on a 16 day journey to Ukraine, to finalize the plans for summer, make plans for renovations at a local internot, distribute aid, and meet with board members.
  • 2007-03-02 – Teresa Fillmon speaks to students at Harding Academy, Harding University, and several churches, and the Rotary Club concerning the needs of His Kids, Too! and how they may help. We welcome new Impact Partner Lone Oak Church of Christ.
  • 2007-02-07 – 600 lbs. of aid is shipped dirctly to orphanage facilities
  • 2007-01-25 – Special thanks to Central Church of Christ for their shoe/boot and game collection. 300 lbs. of aid was sent directly to orphanage facilities in Ukraine.
  • 2007-01-12 – Rich and Lydia Fillmon return from Ukraine after distributing 100’s of Christmas boxes supplied by YOU!!
  • 2007-01-04 – In cooperation with Share – A – Pair of Tallahassee, they generously donated over 600+ pair of shoes/sandals/boots that will be sent to Ukraine for spring distribution.
  • 2006-12-25 – Executive Board member, Rich Fillmon, and Lydia Fillmon embark on a 2 week trip to Ukraine, distributing $7800.00 in humanitarian aid, providing Christmas cheer and working with the local church.
  • 2006-12-15 – Thanks to Frieda H. and her friends for the great mittens, gloves, hats, and much, much more.
  • 2006-11-01 – November newsletter now available online! Click here to view it.
  • 2006-06-14 – “Thank you for using your time and talents in a work that must be so pleassing to our Heavenly Father.”
  • 2006-06-13 – We are thrilled to announce that we received funds for the boy’s prison through the efforts of Margaret Schwartz, author of an amazing adoption journal entitled “The Pumpkin Patch: A Single Woman’s International Adoption Journey.”
  • 2006-06-12 – Shipped 800 lbs of aid to Ukraine for fall distribution. Special thanks to Raa Middle School, and so many others for their donations. Your continued support is an encouragement!
  • 2006-06-11 – Thank you Margaret S. for your donation drive for the prison ministry. These boys will be blessed by your wonderful efforts.
  • 2006-06-11 – Special thanks to Levy Church of Christ for their support of the summer Bible camp, with your donation, orphans, teachers, and support staff have all their meals paid for. What a blessing!
  • 2006-06-10 – Welcome First English Lutheran Church as an impact partner, you are making a difference in the lives of orphans.
  • 2006-06-08 – Thanks to Shoe Station for the great packing boxes!!
  • 2006-06-07 – Thank you Alexandra for your efforts for orphans, God blessed your presentation, and people’s hearts were touched, and now orphans will be served.
  • 2006-06-06 – Special thanks to Independent Presbyterian Church Preschool, and Dr. Betsy H. for their 2nd annual SHOE drive, they sent 480 lbs. of shoes to Ukraine for orphans. God is Good, all the time!
  • 2006-06-05 – Continued thanks to Stuart W. for the donations and support, we appreciate you.
  • 2006-06-01 – Very special thanks to Anita B. for her continued encouragement, and words of support.
  • 2006-06-01 – Very special thanks and gratefulness to Rick S. and his friends at Champion Sportswear. They shipped over $13,000 in donations, for summer and fall distribution.
  • 2006-06-01 – Special thanks to Embroidered Apparel for their $3,000 in wonderful clothing donations! Your continued support is great!
  • 2006-05-25 – Thanks Wallace and Louise for the hundreds of dollars worth of baby clothing and shoes. You’re 2 SUPER Seniors!
  • 2006-05-24 – Thank you Anne H. for the GREAT new shoes and the super clothes!! You’re continued support is such an encouragement.
  • 2006-04-23 – Special thanks to the ladies group of SouthTrail Church of Christ for their continued blanket ministry. Over 145 blankets are on their way to Ukraine! In addition to several large bags of clothes.
  • 2006-04-08 – His Kids, Too! director travels to Birmingham to meet with funder, special thanks to Betsy H. for the meeting!
  • 2006-04-01 – Thanks to all who supported the garage sale fundraiser, over $500.00 was made from the sale!
  • 2006-03-22 – Thank you Mark and Dana, 5 cribs and 3 high chairs!!!
  • 2006-03-14 – Everyone has been very pleased with the teen conference.
  • 2006-03-12 – We arrived safely to 20 degrees, 4 ft. of snow, and no heat. God is good, and he makes it clear, ‘who’ is in charge. We praise Him for our warm boots and coats.
  • 2006-03-10 – His Kids, Too! director, and 4 others leave for Ukraine. We covet your prayers for the light of Christ to be evident for the people they meet.
  • 2006-03-07 – The need for new cribs at the baby hospital was fulfilled, thanks to Mark and Dana E.!!!
  • 2006-03-07 – Thanks to Dick W. for the additional $2,000 in medical supplies, this will help several orphan hospitals in Ukraine.
  • 2006-03-04 – Thank you Bev. G. for the great furniture, WOW, what a haul, these items will be sold and the funds will purchase much needed items for orphans in Ukraine.
  • 2006-03-03 – Our super senior Frieda and her sisters presented His Kids, Too! with 6 huge boxes of great aid. Thank you, these items are off to Ukraine.
  • 2006-03-02 – Thank you Jenn S. for 1250 bottle nipples and rings, 4 bags of great baby clothing!
  • 2006-03-01 – Thank you Elizabeth M. for the wonderful coats, and winter clothing.
  • 2006-02-24 – Thanks to Dick W. we received $8,000 in in-kind donations! They are on their way to Ukraine!!
  • 2006-02-22 – Another 500 lbs. of aid is on its way to Ukraine for summer distribution.
  • 2006-02-22 – Thank you Rotary Club of Valdosta for the warm welcome and opportunity to speak at your club meeting. Special thanks to Carl C. for arranging.
  • 2006-02-10 – Special thanks to Anna H. for the great box of shoes, children’s clothing and toys. You’re wonderful!
  • 2006-02-04 – We are thrilled to have Option Care of Tallahassee FL, join us as a sponsor. They offered 14 wonderful wheelchairs, walkers, and several huge boxes of NEW wheelchair parts. These items will be forwarded to Wheels for the World for worldwide distribution.
  • 2006-01-13 – His Kids, Too! assistant director, Rich Fillmon departs for a 13 day trip to Ukraine. Check out his photos in the Photo Gallery!

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