The McKenzie Family

We are older parents, not having given any thought to having children until a trip to China in 2006. We returned one year later to adopt a child who had a congenital heart defect that needed repair. She is thriving now, four years later! Of course we have spent those years in speech and physical therapies to help her gain a life that had not been possible before her surgery. We were privileged to be in a wonderful church that supported us in every way that they could … offering their contributions to her adoption costs, praying over her surgery and recovery, and welcoming her into the church family.

Once again we feel compelled to consider that we might add another child to our family, believing that God has established our daughter in her life and is now making it possible for us to help another child grow beyond what is possible for him without a family. We have preliminary approval to adopt a ten-year-old boy, who will be 11 in the winter. We hope to be able to travel in late spring to welcome him into our family but we will need the same support from a broader community to do so. Since we have recently moved to a new area, accepting new positions and starting over again in a church family, we do not have the same base of support that we did in our first adoption.

We have found God to be faithful in every endeavor and know that He will provide for this adoption as He provided for the last one. We are grateful for the amazing ways that He demonstrates His faithfulness to all of His children and look forward to seeing how His hand will move people to contribute to Jacob Timothy coming home to a family of his own.

Ken and Joan McKenzie

If you feel called to make a tax deductible donation, please send your gift to the address below:

His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Court
Tallahassee, FL 32303