Spring 2004

On this visit we were able to travel to 4 cities and provide aide to hundreds of children during my recent trip to Ukraine.  It was a joy to visit with friends, church members, orphans, directors, and many others.  Teresa Fillmon, Director of His Kids, Too! and 13 yr. old daughter Haley, traveled to Ukraine for 2 weeks in March.   We arrived safely and met our almost 2000 lbs. of humanitarian aide, waiting in Dzerzhinsk for distribution.  There is a detailed list of distribution at the end of this report.  We encourage you to review our website, www.hiskidstoo.org to review the Spring Photo Gallery.

Though much of the aide was sorted, we had the task of preparing each night for the next day’s deliveries. We were blessed to make an agreement with the director of the local Internot that educates 460 children, and is home to over 70 children, that she would accept the deliveries and store the aide until my visits.  This was a big blessing, as the aide is presently sent to another location and then is trucked to the Internot for distribution, since this is one the largest facilities His Kids, Too! assists.  We not only serve the orphans, but many of the very poor students.   Additionally in Derzhinsk, His Kids, Too! serves a local orphanage (50 +/- children), Orphan Hospital (25+/- children), and the local mental hospital (40 patients).  Each of these facilities was visited and given aide.  We are also serving 25 widows with monthly food bags.

The Norvgorosk Internot is home to 43 orphans.  This very poor facility has changed directors since our last visit, and the new director welcomed out assistance, just as the previous one.  The children were still wearing clothing from our last visit, and we could see other items we had previously donated.  Stewardship is very important, but also, remembering that kids are very hard on toys, shoes, clothing, etc.  We understand that most things will need replacing frequently.

The Artemivsk Baby Home was a new facility for His Kids, Too!  This facility is home to 120 children between the ages of 0 and 4 yrs. old.  The director was delightful, and very open to receiving assistance, though this facility was one of the nicest I have seen in Ukraine.  We will assess the needs and see what is truly needed.  Special thanks to Ira who traveled with us to this facility and made all the introductions. 

In Donetsk, we visited Teremok Orthopedic Hospital (60 +/-), a new hospital facility, and Our Children Orphanage (150 +/-).  Each facility we were greeted warmly, and everyone was pleased with their gifts.  We have some specific needs for these facilities, which will be listed below.

Each night while in Dzerzhinsk, ladies Bible classes were offered.  Attendance was good for the classes, with an average of 20 ladies each evening.  Topics that were studied ranged from:  The Beatitudes, Christ as our Foundation, Romans 12, and Philippians 2. 

Donations and Needs:
Dzerzhinsk Internot
:  clothing, shoes, socks, personal care bags (soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush and paste, combs, hair clips for the girls, nail files, pencils, pens, stickers, chap stick), sheets, towels, toys/games, and sport equipment, medicine.  Needs: shoes, facility needs repairs ($300.00)

Dzerzhinsk Orphanage :  clothing, shoes, socks, personal care bags (see above for contents), sheets, towels, toys/games, sport equipment, medicine.  Needs:  shoes

Artum Baby Hospital :  Blankets, sheets, stockings, clothing, toys, busy boxes for cribs, medicine.  Needs:  cloth diapers (pins and rubber pants), ‘busy boxes’, crib mobiles, and baby clothing.

Teremok Orthopedic Hospital :  clothing, medicine, and toys  (this facility has 16 wheelchairs in route along with other equipment ) Needs :  specialized equipment for CP children, funds ($100.00 monthly) to continue juice program

New Hospital
:  50 new wool blankets   Needs :  mattresses, sheets, pillow cases (they have, but need new ones)

Our Children Orphanage :  clothing, blankets, cloth diapers (pins and pants), socks, busy boxes, and toys, medicine, knitted hats.  We continue to serve these orphans with the juice and diaper program.  Needs:    Funds to continue existing programs ($200.00 monthly), 30 mattresses, sheets, and plastic lining for their new wing ($500.00); baby clothing, ‘busy boxes’ and mobiles for cribs.

Artemivsk Baby Home :  crib mattresses, crib sheets, knitted baby hats, blankets, toys for every child, new stuffed animals, 2 food grinders.  Needs:   cloth diapers (pins, and rubber pants), shoes, electric food processors (2 – $100.00 each – could not find in the town)

Norvgorosk Internot:  clothing, socks, personal care bags, sheets, towels, toys/games, sport equipment, medicine  Needs:   shoes, facility needs repairs ($500.00), clothing, new mattresses ($500.00).  computer to process paperwork ($500.00).

Mental Hospital :  65 sheets, socks.  Needs :  clothing (coming in container for summer), funds for food program ($60.00  monthly)

Widows – 25 local widows received their monthly food bags.  His Kids, Too! has joined in the assistance of feeding 50 poor families in Donetsk.  These combined efforts will cost $450.00 monthly.  Needs :  Funds for the feeding program.

It goes without saying that this work could not continue without your assistance.  We thank each of you who support this work through your prayers, encouragement, and financial giving.  Every dollar can make a difference.  You are changing lives.  To God be all the glory!

Teresa Fillmon Director/His Kids, Too!

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