On My Soapbox

Chapter 13

I have been reflecting today on my time here…purpose, God’s presence, and the future.  I know for now, I’m supposed to be here, as hard as that is as I miss Laila and Madden, I miss the rest of the family…I don’t miss the fighting, I don’t miss the conflict, and I don’t miss the gluttony of Americans.  The sheer self absorbed culture we live in…where ‘things’ are more important than people…self is more important than others…our own agenda is more important than the suffering of those around us.  I’m not talking about enabling people, but there are people in need, and we completely ignore them, as we run to get our manicure, have a business lunch, fill our time and space with things that have no eternal consequence, just FLUFF.  I call it ‘cotton candy’.  So many make the excuse, that these activities ‘build eternal bridges’, oh that is such a great justification…imagine that I must go OUT to lunch with someone, instead of having them in my home…  which would you like??   I still remember Belinda Curtis (the wife of our former pastor, he is still a pastor, just in a different state))) talking about making it a priority to have someone in her home EVERY Sunday lunch.  That was a priority for their family.  I still remember being one of those families, one Sunday.    She had prepared a lovely lunch, at a fraction of the cost of eating out, and we spent a wonderful time fellowshipping at she and Tim’s home.  Not rushed by someone needing ‘our table.’ and the kids would play in the other room, while the adults talked about ‘life’.    We just don’t do that anymore…we are just too busy with…what?  fill in your blank ___________.   I hear pastors teach about, ‘what fills our time’, yet I see them, just the same, running to have a ‘6 buck’ (Starbucks), or a ‘business lunch’ to ‘minister to people’.  What about, ‘let’s meet at the park and bring your sandwich and thermos of coffee?’  Let’s save that $6. And give to the poor, give to a mission…but don’t spend it on ourselves…it is just too much.  And that lunch, ‘pack a sandwich and meet at the park…it’s free’, and the fresh air will do you some good.!    How about a ‘new leaf’…Sunday lunch at HOME and invite another family to join you.  The problem is that everyone thinks it needs to be a 4-course gourmet’ meal…  what about soup and salad; or just salad.  How many of us NEED TO reduce our ‘size’, and why not do it in the name of ministry???   WOW, new thought there…  Reduce our food consumption, and give the savings to a ministry …  there are many good ones.  And I HIGHLY recommend a ministry that works with people, NOT animals…People need help before animals, that is what the Bible teaches…regardless of what ‘we’ feel.   People always ‘trump’ animals.    I’ll step down off my soap-box now~~ Thanks Belinda for setting the example for all minister wives…Rest in Peace, my friend

Back to reality…

8/5/14 – Took the kids to the lake today, after dropping them off, I returned to the house.  Was making dinner, when I see a BUS in front of the center, at which I immediately think that I have parked my van too far in the road and the bus can’t get by.  I grab my keys and start to go to the center, and when I get to the gate, I see, ‘soldiers’, or what appear to be soldiers.  My adrenaline shoots through the roof.  I immediately get distressed, thinking… separatists have invaded, as I did hear frequent booms earlier in the day.   Plus, Andrei had told me many times, the separatist even dress as soldiers to fool people.  So I slow my ‘gait’ down considerably, and frantically call Andrei, praying he picks up the phone, at which he does, but says that he can’t talk as he is in a meeting.  I say, ‘but there are men at the gate, I don’t know who they are or what they want…’ The men at the gate are 2, but I can see to my right there are about 20 others just steps away, and I can see others to the left.  The 2 men at the gate are telling me to ‘shut off my phone’… ‘put down my phone.’ …  ‘turn off my phone.’   I frantically explain this to Andrei…   Then I get to the gate, and the man with a machine gun, is demanding me to ‘open the gate.’  I open the gate, and hand him the phone…he says, ‘yes sir, yes, sir, yes sir, yes, commander.’   Then hands me the phone and says (in English), ‘its o.k. you are fine.’’   At that point I was physically shaking, and the 2nd man touched my arm and said, ‘it’s o.k..’  Then the first man, said, ‘so this is the children’s center? ‘  I said, ‘yes, would you like to come inside?’   He said, ‘I can’t now, but are you Baptists?’  I said, ‘no, just Christians,’ and then he said, ‘me too, I’m a Christian too, sister.’   He kindly smiled at me, and then I knew all would be fine.   He asked me some questions about ‘people’ on the street, criminals, etc.  and I answered, and he immediately sent a squad back over to the ‘mayor’s house.  (The ‘mayor’, as we call him, is our next door neighbor who makes and sells vodka.) We talked for a few minutes, and then other men came and went, listening to my voice, and asking me questions about ‘where I was from…why I’m here.’ All spoke in english.   I then took my chance to run home and get my Bible tracts.  I returned and gave them to the team commander, and he looked at them, and handed them to 2 of the other fellows, and said, ‘you need this.’   It was funny!     So they patrolled the street talking to all the neighbors, and are seeking separatists, hiding in people’s houses.   I hope they flushed some out!!!     Though this encounter began very scary, it ended well, and I thanked God for the relationships, and I continue to pray for their safety and success over this terrible, unjust war….all for the sake of one…

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