For the Sake of One

  • God, showing up…
    March 6, 2017 –   Seems we are in a famine here, a God famine.  The shelling was very loud into the evening.  Uliana and I sat and talked for a long time, and after retiring, I decided to fervently pray for the ‘noise’ outside.   I thanked God for His continued grace, mercy, iron clad … Continue reading God, showing up…
  • Tires, tires everywhere…
    March 4, 2017 – leaving early to pick up Oleg and Lena, we headed to Block post 1 to drop off food.  The men are glad to see us and thankful for not only the visit but the food.  War transforms people into an image of their former person.  There is a new normal for … Continue reading Tires, tires everywhere…
  • Lost 2
    August 16, 2015  Sunday, we are up early and off to Kostyantynivka to pick up our guests for the week.  We go by the store and pick up a few items, and then back to church.  Sunday is relatively quiet,  and leader of #43 comes by to take Sema and I somewhere…I don’t know where, … Continue reading Lost 2
  • Life goes on…
    July 2015 – Saturday, finally a day off, rest…I’m so tired, weary, exhausted…people don’t get that, who don’t live here…you never get a good nights rest, or just when you start to sleep normal again, the shooting and bombing starts, and you are woke in the middle of night with flashes of lights and crashes … Continue reading Life goes on…
  • A New Normal
    August 2015 – living in a war zone is not easy, what it is, is unpredictable, scary, and a real test of faith. It is a total faith walk. God has shown up over and over. Comforted me when I ask, performed literal miracles when needed, provided when there was no obvious way for provision…His … Continue reading A New Normal
  • Back into the Abyss
    July 27, 2015 – My 3 week rotation is over, and I’m back to Ukraine with 120 uniform sets, 35 pair of boots, 100 t-shirts, and a lot of other misc. military gear.  The airport was shocked when we brought in so much luggage, 12 bags in all.  Sadly, they refused to help us on … Continue reading Back into the Abyss
  • New Volunteers…
    JULY 6 , 2015 – MONDAY – Sergei calls early to the nurse about Tonya, as we have guests arriving today, and if we can get this document, we could feasibly get Tonya and Olga on the train today to Kherson.  The Nurse says that she won’t be able to do the form till Tuesday … Continue reading New Volunteers…
  • Life on the edge…
    July 17, 2015 – Saturday – Months of silence, and tonight we are under heavy bombing.  God protect our men, and friends.  God keep us safe, and remove the enemy.  The cracks and booms are very loud and unnerving.  Aloysha called and asked for prayers, says that it is very loud in the center of … Continue reading Life on the edge…
  • New Friends
    May 26, 2015 – Tuesday  – I’m off to the hospital with pastor Sasha to feed the 6 soldiers that are there.  We pick up Sasha to feed the 6 soldiers and go into the main hospital, where we find a man sleeping, but we know him from BP #1.  We slip in and leave … Continue reading New Friends
  • Exposed and Civil Disobedience #2
    MAY 14, 2015 –  Today the article in the Kyiv Post came out.  It was a great and humbling article, but to say the very least, I have now been exposed for my political position.  Photos, and 2 articles, one on me, and one on the other volunteers.  It is all over the internet, and … Continue reading Exposed and Civil Disobedience #2