Natasha’s Story

In 2004 it came to our attention that a young girl, Natasha was in dire need of medical attention due to Treacher Collins Syndrome.



Treacher Collins Syndrome is a rare inherited disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the head and facial (craniofacial) area due to underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of certain portions of the skull (e.g., supraorbital rims and zygomatic arches). Although the symptoms and physical characteristics associated with Treacher Collins Syndrome can vary greatly in severity from patient to patient, craniofacial abnormalities tend to involve the cheekbones, jaws, mouth, ears, and/or eyes. If Natasha did not receive medical assistance she would have eventually gone blind due to the lack of cheek bones to support the eye sockets.

His Kids, Too! started investigating medical resources to assist with thisfresh start.jpg problem, and Fresh Start Surgical Gifts in San Diego California gladly accepted her as a case. After a host family was secured with, George and Helen R. of San Diego, Natasha and her grandmother made the 8500 mile trek to California. Arriving in April of 2005, Natasha's treatment plan was started and she has progressed. The treatment will continue for at least the next 36 months.

Fresh Start has been wonderful, and the host family totally accommodating to their needs. Even after arriving and 'grandma' having a terrible growth in her upper arm, the host family, though able to secure some medical treatment for this cancerous growth, the grandmother decided to return to Ukraine forRiley.jpg treatment. She is presently in Ukraine.

We would like to thank Fresh Start Surgical Gifts, the wonderful host family, Canyon View Church of Christ, and the donors who have specifically supported this medical need. Your funds went directly to help with airfare, and for their living expenses. We encourage anyone wanting to support this extension of the ministry to contact us directly.

December 2006 – Updated Photos of Natasha – surgery is still in progress:

natasha5.jpg Natasha4.jpg

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