Fall 2002

Dear Friends,

God continues to do great things in Ukraine, and your help is so appreciated! I arrived home safe and sound from a ‘whirlwind’ 9 day trip to Ukraine. The main purpose of this trip was to help a friend with her visa to the U.S., but I was able to combine the trip for the benefit of His Kids, Too!

Upon arrival in Kyiv, I stayed there until our friends’ visa appointment. During the wait, I was able to meet and visit with the director of a local Cerebral Palsy group. We visited several clients of this facility. I was told of their plight, and how they try to earn a living. Many are VERY talented, and made several types of handmade items for me to try to sell for their group. These items can be found on our new Gift Shop soon to be posted and all proceeds will benefit their group. We were able to provide a wheelchair for clients of the group, and it is presently on loan to Masha, a paralyzed 5 year old. Our goal is to provide several more wheelchairs, and other medical equipment, along with other personal essential needs. The director was very open to working with His Kids, Too! and invited us back again and again.

After the Embassy appointment, I had a scheduled meeting with the new director of Adoptions for Ukraine. She is a wonderful and gracious lady, who was very helpful, and open to our questions concerning future adoptions in Ukraine. She speaks some English, so it was quite a pleasure to visit with her.

Then off to the train, to the oblast. Arriving the next morning, dropped my luggage at the house, and then off to the Internot. The director was so happy to see us. We provided the children with the stocking caps, socks and coats. The children were thrilled, and loved the colorful caps.

Thursday I was off to another city, leaving VERY early in the morning. I spent the day with 2 board members, Nikka and Lynn, at an orphanage, Orthopedic Hospital and then back to the small village. Had a great time at the orphanage, and the director loved the hats, and sweaters. We even had the opportunity to sit and play with some kids.

Friday was spent purchasing food for the widow bags, and attending a teachers program that the Internot personnel insisted that I attend. Friday night I had the sisters over to the house, and provided food, fun and fellowship. It was a very pleasant time for us all.

Saturday was spent delivering food baskets and visiting my dear friend Nadia, who is very ill. Time was so short, and it was time to catch the train back to Kyiv to start the journey home. Sunday and Monday was spent traveling.

Overall, though the trip was short, it was time well spent. We accomplished all our goals, though our friends’ visa was denied, we know that God’s timing for everything is best. We shall try again soon. I was able to make new contacts and the Lord provided avenues to meet some needs of the people, children, orphans, and others.

Thank you for your continued prayers, support and encouraging words. It is always hard to be away from the family, but when you have a wonderful support system of praying people it is enormous comfort. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to forward them.

Teresa Fillmon
Director/His Kids, Too!

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