Fall 2001

Dear Friends and Family,

We are home from Ukraine, safe and sound, and another 2 beautiful children now have a home. With the complete help of the Lord, Anita’s adoption was smooth and successful. She now has 2 children, a boy 2.5 and a girl 4 yrs. old. Both are adjusting to their new surroundings. The Lord heard and answered our prayer, and she adopted from an orphanage that we have been providing aid to for over a year. We would like to give special thanks to her wonderful adoption facilitator, who was proficient in all areas of the adoption process in addition to communicating well (in English) to us. We will be highly recommending their services, and please contact me, if you or anyone you know may have a desire to adopt, I will gladly help, and refer you on to them.

The work of the Lord continued via His Kids, Too!, and with your help alot was accomplished. Amidst all the running around with adoption paperwork I was able to visit and meet with the directors of: 2 orphanages, 1 baby hospital, the children’s orthopedic hospital, 1 children’s shelter, the boarding school, and the adult mental hospital. They were gracious and appreciative of the aide. Each also expressed their deep condolences for the terrible events of Sept. 11.
With your help we were able to provide the following:

  1. clothing and shoes for many orphan children/toddlers
  2. cooking pots for the deaf school
  3. sports equipment for the boarding school (a constant need)
  4. clothing for the boarding school
  5. towels for the boarding school (a constant need)
  6. sheets for the mental hospital (a constant need)
  7. clothing for the adult mental hospital
  8. a therapeutic lamp (which was requested by the director) for an orphanage
  9. blankets and shoes for many children
  10. diapers for orphans
  11. clothing for almost all the church members in Dzershinsk
  12. provide food for 30 widows for one week at ($1.67 per person)
  13. upgrade computer software for orphanage computer (this improves the accuracy and speed at which referrals can get to the AC in Kiev)
  14. provide laundry soap and bathing soaps for the hospital
  15. socks for over 100 children (this is a big need, and we are still in search of a sock distributor in Ukraine, that will sell at wholesale)
  16. toys for orphanage/toddlers
  17. While there 400lbs. of dry milk arrived, and we were able to start distribution to the orphan shelter, and the mental hospital. (distribution will be on going)

Our present ‘wish list’ is as follows:

  1. One of our biggest needs at this time is coats, shoes and socks for winter. Shoes in Ukraine, though inexpensive, are not high quality. If anyone has a good source of either of these items, please forward the information to me.
  2. canvas bags for food bags for widows, this is what we deliver the food in, we prefer black, but any thing is fine
  3. a Frequent Flyer ticket for my winter travel, a special thank you to the dear friend who donated the 2 tickets for this trip
  4. Funds to continue the programs we have on going, and to meet some of the requests that we constantly receive.
  5. Funds for the adoption grant program, which financially assists people adopting internationally. It is one of the goals of His Kids, Too! to help put children in homes. Through the aide we provide, this increases their chances of adoption, because they receive proper nutrition and developmental assistance; but without financial assistance many people who would like to adopt simply can not afford the adoption expenses. Through the His Kids, Too! International Adoption Grant program we try to offer this assistance. There are several ways to help, but earmark any donation, "Adoption Fund", otherwise all donations go into the humanitarian relief fund.

The needs are so great, and people are very thankful to you for the assistance. Many hearts were touched because of your generosity. Through your giving, we were able to purchase many much needed things from our ‘needs list’, and have ordered other things that will be picked up by our missionary friends and delivered to the orphanage and hospital. Presently, the supplemental juice program and diaper program are still intact.

Overall, the trip was very good, and I believe we met most of our organization goals. I cannot thank you enough for your prayers and financial help. I do plan to return to Ukraine in late Feb. or early March for 2 weeks to continue this work.

Please feel free to drop me a note with any questions or comments. Travel photos of the distribution of aide and photos of Anita’s children (under Adoption Help then Adoption Bank) will soon be on the website, www.hiskidstoo.org.

Sincerely Yours,
Teresa Fillmon
Director/His Kids, Too!

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