The Emmons Family

Adoption Financial Assistance Program


This section provides information on how His Kids Too! is able to financially assist your adoption

This is a wonderful program designed so that your friends and family can assist you financially with adoption costs. This grant program is set up that donors make tax-deductible donations to His Kids Too! (only donations greater then $25.00 will receive a tax benefit) and then you may apply for a grant for the funds generated by donors. The benefit of this program is that you are in control of your fund raising efforts and donors will have complete confidence that donations will go for their intended purpose, adoption expenses. All funds generated become the property of His Kids Too!, a 501(c) (3) charity. Due to IRS regulations, we can not guarantee all funds received will benefit your personal adoption expenses, His Kids Too! makes it’s best effort to afford you your requested grant.

Requirements for this program:

1. Adopt internationally, this program is only open to U.S. citizens adopting outside the U.S.

2. Completed information packet – forwarded to you via e-mail (request below).

3. Funds are disbursed to licensed adoption agencies only, NO independent adoption facilitation groups.

4. For fund disbursement, a bill from the adoption agency needs to be sent to our office, requesting grant funds pay the adoption expense. For bills already paid, a paid receipt is necessary for reimbursement.

5. After you return with your child, you allow His Kids Too! to post a photo of your child(ren) to its website. This will not include any personal information about the child (identity, country of origin, age, sex, etc.), just the photo, so others can see that people are utilizing the account program, and that it is indeed helping to bring home children.

***6. For those adopting children with special needs:  Please note, when you send in a request for information, and ANY subsequent inquiry to ANYONE, please do not refer to your child as a ‘special needs child.’  Your child is not a special needs child; he/she is a ‘child with special needs.’  (see the difference??) Their physical and/or mental condition does not define ‘who’ they are, but they are a CHILD first, and their diagnosis or ‘challenge’ is secondary.  This has NO barring on your grant status, this is a personal observation, that we have seen over and over.  Additionally, the director of His Kids Too! adopted a child with a special need/physical challenge,  her disability does not define her…she is a child first. Please reconsider your wording when referring to your potential child to potential donors, and understand that how you refer to them, is how you and others ‘see’ your child.

7.  Grants are not based on any child’s medical condition, as His Kids Too! considers ALL children in international orphanages as children of ‘special need’, due to the overall conditions of these facilities.

If you are interested in obtaining more information on this program, please contact our office.

Comments – Recommendations – More comments are on the the Family Donation page, under How to Help

1/2016 – “Teresa Fillmon and His Kids Too have helped our family adopt three precious daughters from China.  We have used their services over the course of the last 5 years, when needed and she (and her staff) have always gone above and beyond what we would expect. I know that Teresa travels to the Ukraine, but even during her trips, she is quick to respond to emails and have someone help us in the US. She is highly ethical, letting us know what amount is available as well as quick to reimburse any expenses that we have accrued. When we initially sought out agencies to use for our adoption financing and grants, she responded quickly and was very personable. We have not had a single time when we have not found this to be the case.  I would highly recommend their agency and have been pleased with their services.  They have been a huge part of helping our family grow and we are so thankful for all they have done for us!”

November 2014 – “You helped us with both of our previous adoptions. We are adopting one final time …. Would you be willing to help us again? Thank you so much for your help…” Rachel C.

May 2012 – “Thank you for this program.  The integrity and accountability for funds gives our donors the peace of mind that their donations will go directly to help us with the adoption of sweet  ******.”  Debbie S.

May 2012 – We are so excited!  Thanks so much for your help!  Amber B.

August 2011:  “Thanks for being great and helping us.”  Grace S.

August 2011 – “My name is Allison and my husband and I are adopting a little girl from the Ukraine. After applying for many grants and not getting approved for any, a friend of mine told me about “His Kids Too” and the grant program that is available. My friend has adopted 4 children, 3 being from the Ukraine and during her last adoption, she requested help from “His Kids Too” and was very pleased with the program………. After reading about the grant program and speaking with Teresa herself, my husband and I decided to go ahead and apply for the grant. “His Kids Too” accepted our application and assisted us in writing a letter to send out to our family and friends. A month went by and we received a couple donations. Then we received the news that we were granted an appointment with the SDA in Ukraine to go adopt our daughter. I immediately contacted Teresa and let her know that we wanted to go ahead and receive the money donated to use for the adoption. I sent her receipts of things we have already paid for and two days later we received a check. “His Kids, Too” has been an answer to our prayers and we are thankful for the work they do for the children in Ukraine and for those of us adopting.”


“We used His Kids Too for much of the financial aspect of our adoption.  We are currently in China finishing up the paperwork to bring our daughter home.  I greatly appreciate all the help that Teresa Fillmon gave to our family.  We often had payments that had to be sent quickly and she was able to do this for us.  She also was quick to return phone calls and emails when we had questions.  She was in Russia over the summer and let us know beforehand when she would be there; we ended up needing help while she was there and she responded to our email while there and had someone in the US send a check for us.  We have been very thankful for all of her help and would recommend their agency.”  Rachel C.  –  August 2011


“We used “His Kids, Too” as a way for people to donate to our adoption and be able to use their donation as a tax deduction. Teresa was very responsive to my inquiries and monies donated were sent to our agency after we provided a bill.”  Lori B.    August 2011


“We used His Kids Too! grant program with our adoption from China.  We were so glad that we were able to utilize this program, since we changed countries several times, and the money was able to stay with us, and grow.  We were pleased that they removed only a 7% fee, which goes back to help orphans.  This program was a blessing to us.”   Angie W.  June 2010
“Thank you for making our adoption affordable.  Your kindness and attentiveness to our donors and our adoption process was so thoughtful.  You were great when we needed the funds at such short notice.  Thanks again.”  Colleen B. Aug. 2009

“Thank you for sending the money so quickly….thank you for blessing us with this grant…” Amber R. June 2007

“Thanks again for your part in this story of love.” Jonathan and Slyvie Gal.2:20 May 2007

“…thank you for everything that you guys do!
It is amazing how many lives all of you touch and make better on a daily

Danielle C. April 2007

“….I will always appreciate His Kids Too help with the adoption grant they set up for my adoption.

Best wishes,

Janie S.” Dec. 2006

“To Potential Adoptive Parents,
I would like to share that Teresa Fillmon and His Kids Too have been very helpful during the process of our adoption from Ukraine recently (April, 2003). Teresa answered questions; and if she didn’t know the answers, she found someone who could and sent me to that person. She edited and re-edited our home study several times. She also recommended our translator/facilitator in Ukraine. They were there to meet us at the airport when we arrived and provided our living quarters, transportation, and of course translations for us. They showed us where to buy food, took us to internet cafes, telephones, etc. On the weekends he went with us to the circus in Kiev, and gave us an educational tour of the orthodox churches and historical sites in Kiev. They made sure to take care of all of our needs. Of course he did a wonderful job taking care of all of the adoption paperwork and knew the ins and outs of where to go to get all of the legal work done. I was amazed at how much work they put into completing our adoption. They are honest, caring, and a hard-working Christian. I would recommend ‘him’ as a translator/facilitator to anyone considering traveling to Ukraine for adoption.”

Betty C.

“….A few months ago, when we were buried in paperwork, I realized what a source of valuable information Teresa could be for our situation. She lives in our state, had just returned from adopting under the new NAC administration, and is very familiar with the region that our children were from. I immediately began asking her a variety of questions and was overwhelmed at how ready and willing she was to help us, a family who she had (and still has) never met personally. We are most grateful for her help in getting our paperwork through the FL Secretary of State so efficiently. She was also very helpful in assisting us in correcting a couple of paperwork problems that came up. Despite multiple mailings, trips to the Sec of State, and phone calls from us, she continued to be very kind and helpful. We are currently awaiting approval and an appointment date from the Ukrainian NAC. We wouldn’t be where we are now without the help of His Kids Too and its director Teresa Fillmon. If we can be of further help, please contact us.” Brian and Amy Y.

“To Whom it May Concern,

I highly recommend Hid Kids Too. The people involved have always been honest, helpful and prompt, in all their responses.

We were the recipients of a grant in 2002, that was very helpful in enabling us to adopt our son from Almaty, Kazakhstan. Teresa is a warm and caring women, who always answered any questions I have had on all aspects of adoption, and the other ministries they fulfill.

I would not hesitate to support them. Feel free to contact me with any other questions you may have.


Jamie G.”

“To Whom It May Concern:

We adopted our son from Russia in December 2002, and we received a grant with His Kids Too! We had several fundraisers and people made checks out to His Kids for a tax-deduction…Overall, we had a very positive experience with His Kids. We believe that they operate with honesty and integrity. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us .

Blessings on your adoption journey,”

Dean and Beth B.
Blessed Parents of:

Elijah (10) adopted from Russia 12/02
Anastasia (9) adopted from Russia 5/01
Danielle (almost 8 )
Micah (6 1/2)
Rachel (6 1/2) adopted from Russia 6/99
Benjamin (5)
Jonathan (2 1/2)

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