Spring 2006

Spring 2006 Trip Report

His Kids, Too! has always been a charity focused on doing the will of the Father and furthering the Kingdom of God, and we remain open to the leading of the Spirit for new ministry opportunities in Ukraine.  In response to that leading, in 2006 His Kids, Too! has already embarked on several new ventures, and we are implementing the necessary steps to bring these new ministries to fruition.

We encourage you to view our Spring 2006 trip photos in our photo gallery.  In addition, the Gift Shop contains new items and all proceeds benefit orphans.

The Spring 2006 trip provided a new opportunity for ministry when His Kids, Too! Director Teresa Fillmon traveled with U.S. educators to Ukraine for several presentations to orphans and school children on the importance of abstinence, the pitfalls of abortion (reminding them it is not a form of contraception), and protection from AIDS (Ukraine is presently the fastest growing country per capita for AIDS), risks of STDs, prenatal care and substance abuse.  The theme of the presentations was the fact that they are precious children of God and making wise choices is vital to a healthy, long life.  We were embraced by city officials, school officials, parents and children, eager to hear and see the information.  We were very blessed to have Amy B. from Huntsville, Alabama as our technology guru; George S. from Fresno, CA who taught the boys on the above topics; Peggy N. from Fresno, CA, worked with the girls on the risks of substance abuse during pregnancy; and Erin F. from Fresno, CA, who provided information on AIDS, abortion, STDs, and fetal development.  All presenters encouraged abstinence before marriage.   Presentations were well received, and an invitation was received for ‘more of the same’ in the future.  In addition, the educators worked with local teachers to help trouble shoot some areas of conveying this material to the students in the future.

The second week of the trip was spent assessing needs and providing aid to several facilities, in addition to giving one more presentations.  Below are facilities visited and aid provided, with current needs that require our attention:

Artum Baby Hospital:  Thanks to Dana and Mark E., this facility now has 5 new cribs with mattresses and 3 new high chairs/tables.  In addition, they were given blankets, baby clothes (thank you Neve and friends, and Michelle Smith), busy boxes for the new cribs, new sheets and mattresses pads, cloth diapers, and baby toys.
Needs:  a ‘ball pit’, physical therapy table, and other equipment, white nurse uniforms or scrubs.

Dzerzhinsk Internat:  Special thanks to Buckner Shoes and Jeremiah’s Hope for newshoes! This facility also received clothing (thank you Andrea Robinson and friends), personal care bags, socks, sports equipment, blankets (thank you South Trail CoC), shampoo, and bananas (this facility is part of the ‘Go bananas for Orphans’ program).
Needs:  more shoes, sporting equipment, would like $200.00 to purchase basketball uniforms for 15 boys.

Dzerzhinsk Shelter:  (This facility is temporary home to former street children.  Many, many children come through their doors.)  We provided clothing, shoes, personal care bags, sport balls, puzzles, and toothpaste. 
Needs:  Clothing, personal care bags, more sport equipment, funds to complete renovations of the facility.

Novgorodsk Internat:  (This facility is doing well, considering the conditions.  The staff are wonderful and waiting for each of our visits.  We are pleased to say that they will participate in the firstHis Kids, Too! summer Bible camp, and they are thrilled.)   This facility received clothing (thank you Andrea R. and friends, and Darlene S.), blankets (thank you Frieda H.), shoes, crayons, color pencils, hats, and scarves (thank you Hania Little).
Needs:  Sports equipment, personal care bags, shoes.

Donetsk Shelter:  Special thanks to Buckner Shoes and Jeremiah’s Hope for new shoes!  This shelter also received clothing (thank you Stuart W. and friends, and Raa Middle School in Tallahassee, FL), and blankets (thank you South Trail Church of Christ).
Needs:  Shoes, personal care bags

Donetsk Adult Shelter:  Clothing (thanks to Guy Moore of Garnet and Gold of Tallahassee).
Needs:  Small men’s and small ladies’ clothing.

Teremok Orphan Hospital:  Clothing and toys (thank you Darlene S.. Neve and friends, Raa Middle School), shoes.  This facility receives juice and diapers in an on going program.
Needs:   clothing, shoes.

Our Children:  (This facility was under measles quarantine during our visit, so we were only able to see 2 rooms of children. The director and staff were warm and friendly.  It was great to see the child with severe burns with his ‘soon to be’ parents.)   We left one huge box of new clothing (thank you Anne Huell).  They receive juice and diapers monthly, in addition to special medicine and other medical needs.
Needs: funds for programs in place at this facility

AIDS Hospital:  (This facility was under entire measles quarantine.)  We delivered 2 big boxes of clothing, shoes, blankets, some medical supplies, toys (thank you Neve and friends), and knitted hats (thank you Hania L.).
Needs: funds to maintain juice and diaper programs, funds for needs as they arise

Home of the Forgotten:  (We were very warmly greeted.  The Director was pleasant and affirmed that he graciously accepts our donations and is pleased with our work.  This facility, home to 330 children and adult ladies, is truly a sad place.)  We delivered 4 boxes of clothing (thank you Guy M. – all clothing was new with tags), and 40 kilos of bananas (Go Bananas for Orphans).  We passed out 10 kilos of cookies, some shoes, and over 40 blankets. We also gave them 200 cloth diapers (Thank you Glewview Road CoC).
Needs: This facility provides a needs list, in which we are able to purchase items in Ukraine.  Several projects are being reviewed for implementation at this facility.  Funds are welcome.

Donetsk Adult Homeless Shelter:  Adult clothing (thanks to Frieda H., Elizabeth Morgan, Andrea R. and friends, Pam and George A., Kathy Gunter).
Needs:  Adult clothing.

Orphan Boys Prison:  (NEW FACILITY – home to over 100 mostly orphan boys.  All are very thin.) This need was presented to us, we did not visit this facility.
Needs:   Boys clothing 12 – 28 waist slim, small and medium shirts, shoes up to size 10 men’s.  Drop us a note for the shipping address.

Each Sunday we spent time at the local Internat worshiping with orphans.  Team members presented the Easter story to the kids, along with a great craft, and the kids thoroughly enjoyed it.   On one Saturday we offered a workshop/fun day for the disabled community of Dzerzhinsk, with games, crafts, and refreshments for all who came, and professional assistance for parents with questions and concerns for their children. 

Our time in Ukraine was well spent, and thousands of children were helped.  In addition, hundreds of young people were given the tools and information to help them make wise decision concerning their behavior.  We look forward to summer and the ministry opportunities that lay before us.  If you or someone you know is interested in joining us on a trip, please contact us.

His Kids, Too! is excited about the opportunities in Ukraine.  God continues to open doors and provide volunteers and funding to the many programs to help orphans.  We covet your prayers; we appreciate each of you as a valued participant in the work in Ukraine.  We can’t do this alone. 

Thank you again.  Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Teresa Fillmon
Director/His Kids, Too!
All donations are tax deductible

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