Fall 2007

The staff of Dzerzhinsk Department of Education is grateful to you for organizing seminars on formation health way of life. Your great work had a success among the students and teachers of our city.

We hope for our mutual cooperation in future. We will be happy if you could find an opportunity to organize such work with teachers boys.


Chief Director of Dzerzhinsk City, Department of Education

Subsequent letters from:

School #2

School #17

School #6

Letter of Thanks

The teaching staff and students of middle school #20 of the city of Dzerzhinsk express their sincere gratitude to the group of teachers from the USA and Teresa Fillmon personally for organizing a seminar on Living a Healthy Lifestyle. We greatly appreciate your work with the teenagers of our school on the topics of destructive habits, early sexual relations, AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.
We share your concern about the health of the youth of our planet and hope to continue our co-operation.

Director of Middle School #20 L. Glyshchenko

Thank you so much for your wonderful donation of test strips, glucometers and syringes. Our Diabetic Association here in Donetsk, Ukraine has only 18 members but we are trying to keep them in insulin and glucometers plus the testing strips to check their blood sugar. Your generous donation has helped us so much. Some of our members are amputees to diabetes that got out of control. Some of them are totally blind. We are hoping that doesn’t happen again. This we are trying to prevent!
I once again wish to express my immense appreciation for your contribution toward helping the diabetics most of whom are fellow Christians! Their needs are very real! They cannot possibly provide for buying glucometers, strips, plus insulin, the life saving drug they cannot live without!
Each month we minister to 18 diabetics, 4 of which are juvenile diabetics. It now costs $1300-1400 per month to keep our organization going and able to help those in desperate needs for their very lives. And we are very appreciated to everyone who helps to those people. Because if we have no money to provide their medicines and the testing strips, they can lose hope to live.

As the one who purchases and administers these funds and supplies let me thank you personally for making my job of serving these people easier!

In Christian love,
Ludmila Torshina

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