Dear His Kids Too!,

Thank you very much for coming to our town, to our orphanage. It is happiness for us to have a friend like you, especially now when we have so many troubles. Each of your visits is a little holiday for children in our orphanage and each child needs warm consideration and care, maybe more attentive care than other children. And just like other children they love to get presents. Thanks to you dear Teresa, from people of Church of Christ Jesus, and from you dear Americans, our children got many beautiful presents, shoes, clothes, toys, food and medicines. The eyes of our children shine from happiness when they received your presents and many of them slept with their favorite toys and even in their new clothes and shoes. Dear American friends we are gratefully thankful for your attention kindness and your understanding of our problems.

It is a gift of destiny, fortunate destiny that we have such beautiful friends in America. It doesn’t matter that we are divided with thousands of kilo. It is so nice to realize that friends help you and support you. People say that all warmth on earth is from the sun, but all kindness on earth is from people. Thank you very much for your kindness and warmth. Dear American friend, you have many problems in your country now, we sympathize with you in these difficult days, God bless you for your open hearts, souls and your endless generosity.

Sincerely yours,

Children from Orphanage

Staff from Orphanage

Director of Orphanage Milea Stadnik

We, the pupils of the Boarding School are deeply grateful for your sympathetic attention to Ukrainian children. There are 486 pupils in our school and just like all children, they like to get presents. There are 104 orphans, in our large school family, school is both house and family for them. We give special gratitude from our orphans who are always glad for your consideration.

When you come to our school it is a real holiday for us. Boys have new balls for their games and sports, new shirts and shoes too. Girls have skipping ropes, art materials, and ‘smart dresses’. Many new colored and white towels adorn our bedrooms, and new white sheets on our beds. These are many of the presents from our American friends. Our countries are divided with thousands of kilometers, but thanks to Mrs. Fillmon, and other Americans, who help His Kids, Too! we now have warm clothes, friendship and support.

We are proud of being friends with you. Friendship is security of assistance and support for us, especially when we have so many troubles. Dear friends, we all candidly sympathize with your sorrow, caused by the terrorist attacks. We believe that good in Earth must gain a victory over evil. Kindness will save the world and good deeds will strengthen a friendship between peoples.

Thank you for your assistance,

The Pupils of a Boarding School in Ukraine

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