Walter Steely

WalterSteely.jpg In 2004, I made my first trip to Ukraine (and to volunteer at) Summer Bible Camp with Bill Wharton. While there I had the opportunity to meet Teresa and Rich Fillmon and their wonderful family.

Again during the summer of 2005, I returned to Ukraine for the Bible Camp. This time I learned more about the work of His Kids, Too! and what I could do to help in this ministry. Seeing these children in the hospitals and orphanages helped me to decide to return in the fall of 2005. I could help in giving out clothes and visiting the children's hospitals and orphanages.

On this trip (fall of 2005), I made my first visit to Toraz and saw for the first time the death house of so many of these children. I do not have words to describe this place.

At this time, my life is consumed with this ministry. God has shown me what I can do for these children. One thing I can do is to try to find homes in America for these children to be adopted so that children do not end up at Toraz. I can see working with this organization for the rest of my life, God willing, and will try to make a difference in the lives of these children. Hopefully we will be able to build an orphanage to provide better housing for the children and find widows to care for them.

If you love God and His creations, there is a place for you in this ministry. There are many ways you can help; raising funds for food and supplies for these children, build housing, buying fuel for winter, donate funding for purchasing medicine, clothing, shipping costs or perhaps making blankets, or writing letters of encouragement to the children.

You may be interested in visiting these children yourselves and if you do, your life will be changed in so many ways. You will see things that will break heart but you will also see the joy in the eyes of these children that will set your hearts on fire.

Come join us. You will see the blessings of our Father in Heaven through His Son, Jesus Christ.

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