The Beatty Family

My wife and I met in September of 1999 and we courted for a year and a half where we spent a lot of time at the beach, snowboarding and rock climbing to name a few. We basically enjoyed being together and were married in December of 2000 in Coeur d’ Alene, ID.
We currently have three wonderful children (two biological and one adopted) Hunter age 10, Jaedyn age 8 and Micah age 7. Brenda and I were saved in 2002 slightly after Hunter was born and have been attending church and walking with the lord ever since. We love to spend all our free time with our children so any and all family outings are centralized around being together. We love to ride bikes together, take our kids camping in the summer and in the winter we like to go skiing as a family.
The Lord has put it on our hearts for some time to adopt as we adopted Micah (Ethiopia) at age three We feel that the Lord has led us to adopt from Uganda and we are feeling led to adopt a couple of children – He may have different plans – so we will let Him decide. You might wonder what made us decide to do this and all we can say is that it was God who put this desire into our hearts although Brenda can no longer have children we feel the Lord’s calling in this area of our lives very strongly.
• “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you” James 1:27)
We are excited about the opportunity to offer these kids our love and to learn about Jesus. We know God has special children chosen just for us and we are eager to be completely faithful and obedient to what He is calling us to do. It will be exciting to see how He works out the whole adoption process.
It will be an eye opening process to see what God is going to do in our lives through these kids. The process is long and not without obstacles but we are ready for the challenge that the Lord has set before us; as we want to follow his will and path throughout this whole process.
In His Grip,
Larry and Brenda Beatty

If you feel called to make a tax deductible donation, please send your gift to the address below:

His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Court
Tallahassee, FL 32303