Summer 2006

Summer 2006 Travel Report

 It was an exciting summer in Ukraine as 6 His Kids, Too! volunteers arrived June 23. This trip was in conjunction with Dr. Bill Wharton’s summer Bible camp group, going to provide a Bible camp to orphans and school children. After the week long camp, His Kids, Too! volunteers continued to provide evening Bible classes while during the day working to distribute aid to thousands of orphans throughout the region, in addition to reaching out to the local community’s' elderly, disabled, mentally ill and poor.

 This was the 5th year for our annual Bible camp. Daily, we (and 14 others from the U.S.) presented stories from the Bible to over 200 children. We eagerly anticipate next year and invite you to join the team. Seeing the fruits of the labor usually takes lots of time, and this year was no different. We are seed planting and watering seeds planted in the past. One exciting event occurred when the Internot children asked to come to the evening Bible services, which were quite a distance away. Each afternoon, I would hire a minivan to go transport them.

We were blessed in many ways, and it was exciting to see one of our translators make a decision for Christ. Nikka, 22 yrs. old, took a cold plunge at the sauna (the only place we could find enough water to baptize her), and was baptized into Christ on July 8!

The following week two more team members arrived, Dallas and Ashley. We were scheduled to have our Bible camp, but a most unfortunate thing happened. The local miners group decided to send all the children to summer camp for 6 weeks. Though we were disappointed that we could not share the gospel with the children, we were very happy for the opportunity for these developmentally delayed children. We made the best of the situation, and this extra time allowed us the opportunity to visit 2 additional orphan hospital facilities. Affording us time to purchase cribs, mattresses, clothing, diapers and more, in addition to serving the local community (see the photo gallery for photos). The extra time allowed us the chance to provide nightly Bible studies to the community. Each night people gathered for Bible study at our home. Numbers ranged from 15 to 29. One of the most exciting things was that three of our students from the Internot that we had taught during the Bible camp attended the studies. It was a miracle to see the hand of God work in these three teenage boys’ lives. By the second week, they were asking questions and seeking guidance. We have known these boys for years because they have been a part of the annual Bible camps. “Seeds were planted and watered,” and the Spirit of God has begun to take root. We are very excited that these young men are seeking God, and we ask for your prayers concerning them.

We frequently see groups come in, convert people, and then never return to help them mature in Christ. About 99% of those converted in this way “fall away” because they were not taught or matured. Many see it as a way to “rich Americans'” hearts, and just “do” what they think we expect and want them to do. What we have seen in the years that we have worked in Ukraine, is that deep spiritual commitment takes time. Just like Jesus taught his disciples, we slowly and accurately teach people how to live a Christian life. Since Christianity is so new to Ukraine, many of the foundational principles of Christianity must be taught before they can have an understanding of what a Christian is, and how Christ calls us to obedience in all areas of our lives. We have been blessed to be able to return, time and time again, to nurture and try to exemplify Christ to the lost of Ukraine. We ask for your prayers and support. We encourage you to join us when your schedule permits.

Adoption ( is a part of His Kids, Too! We are helping families with the process from start to finish. We were happy that we were able to get accurate figures on orphans. Presently, there are lots of questions concerning adoptions. Ukraine, a country of over 47 million, is host to 13,188 registered orphans (confirmed June 2006, adoption seminar, Kyiv Ukraine), with 3228 in the age bracket of 0-3. Granted, there are many more children in orphanages and Internots, but these are figures on registered (available) orphans for adoption. Presently, Ukraine is moving in the direction of foster care for all orphaned/abandoned children. Ukraine is going to take care of their “own.” Adoption will still be possible, but the only children that will be in the orphanage facilities are disabled children that are waiting to be placed in foster care homes. Foster Care homes will be government subsidized, and people will be given a monetary subsidy along with, medical care stipend, a car/van, and funds to build or buy a larger home. These incentives, along with the desire to help orphans, are proving effective, as we personally know of 3 Ukrainian families that are providing foster care to orphans. His Kids, Too! presently supports one family with 6 (and adding more) foster care children.

His Kids, Too!'s main focus is providing life sustaining humanitarian aid to orphans. This trip was no different then any other. We especially want to thank the over 200 volunteers who sent humanitarian aid to Ukraine for distribution. This aid of clothing, shoes, toys, sports equipment, medical supplies and more, was sorted and distributed to over 3,700 children, teens, adults and the elderly. We welcome you to review our photos in the Photo Gallery.

Below is a detailed list of the facility, aid given, and present needs. You may notice that we added three more groups, one orphan hospital, and two Ukrainian charities working with the disabled (with intact families). We stress that accountability is provided to our donors. Please review and forward any questions to us.

Direct Aide to facilities from His Kids, Too!:

Artum Hospital

2 large boxes of clothing – Neve and friends, Columbia Sportswear, Frieda, MWCOC

5 cribs

5 mattresses – IPC Grant 10 crib sheets

Toys – Rick S.

Mattresses liners – Frieda H.

His Kids, Too! Medical uniforms

Rash cream PAMPERS – IPC Grant

Fruit – Go Bananas project (*we served thousands via this program)

Medical Supplies – Dick Walker

PROJECT: Start the rehabilitation room project: wallpaper, paint, review catalog for ordering items

 Needs: Wooden tongue depressors Children’s blood pressure equipment ($500.00 for 10 kits) Resistance bands – physical therapy equipment – contact us for details Thermometers (regular slender size) Gloves – $200.00 – purchase in country

Internot – Dzerzhinsk

4 boxes of clothing – Raa Middle School – Columbia Sportswear

Personal care bags – Central CoC, Sandy J.

Canvas bags for camp – Peggy N.

 Sports equipment from the BIBLE camp

100 sheets – IPC Grant

50 towels

50 pillowcases – IPC grant

Underwear – Central CoC

Fruit – GO Bananas

Hats – Spirit Sales

New shoes – IPC and Buckner, and Anne H.

Bananas *

Needs: Personal care bags 100 towels – $200 to purchase in country Jeans Shoes (a constant need of Winter coats Christmas boxes (please contact us for more information)

 Donetsk Regional Children’s Hospital

50 mattresses – IPC Grant

Needs: 100 sheets – IPC Grant

Shaktrusk Internot

25 mattresses – IPC Grant

25 pillows – IPC Grant

Hot water heater – IPC Grant

*NEW Abakymova Orphan Hospital

8 cribs

8 mattresses – IPC Grant

1 box of clothing – Shoes – IPC day school

TOYS – Jody G., Columbia Sportswear

Pampers – IPC Grant


Needs: They will be added to the monthly diaper project – $50.00 monthly

Aids Hospital

3 boxes of clothing – Frieda H., Rachel E., Andrea R. shoes

Pampers – IPC Grant

Medical clothing

Needs: Working on a grant project for this facility – financial assistance for starting a new program for families infected with Aids (these are intact families) $250.00 monthly for Pampers

Our Children


Medical clothing

Needs: Pampers – $200 monthly – in country purchase Funds for antibiotics – $100.00 monthly – in country purchase

Dzershinsk Orphanage

3 boxes of clothing – Neve and Friends, Rachel E., Raa Middle school, Stuart W.

Shoes – IPC Day School Sports equipment

Bananas *

Needs: Sports equipment – Always – $100.00 will purchase in Ukraine Art supplies – $100.00 – will purchase in Ukraine Shoes (larger sizes – 6 – 10) Christmas boxes (please contact us for more information)

Mental Hospital

1 large box of clothing – MWCOC, Betty R., Andrea R. and friends Christmas boxes (please contact us for more information)

Donetsk Children’s Shelter

3 boxes of clothing – Anne H., Neve and friends

1 box of shoes

X-Ray film

Needs: Christmas boxes (please contact us for more information) Sports Equipment – $100.00 – will purchase in country

Adult Shelter/Donetsk

Adult clothing – Betty R., MWCOC Fruit

Toraz Invalid Hospital

Bananas* Cookies

8 boxes of NEW clothing – Garnet and Gold of Tallahassee

1 box of shoes Hats – Embroidered Apparel

Needs: Please contact us directly for needs for this facility

Novroghorsk Internot

Hats – embroidered apparel

Clothing – Raa Middle, Andrea R. and friends, Stuart W., Rachel E.

Shoes – Buckner Shoes

Canvas bags – Peggy N.

Personal care bags – Central CoC

Needs: Christmas boxes (please contact us for more information) Sports Equipment – $100.00

Teremok Orthopedic Hospital

 2 boxes of clothing – Rachel E, Andrea Robinson and friends, Anita B.

Shoes – IPC

Toys – Jody G., Rick S.


Dzerzhinsk Disability Group Fun Day – personal care bags – canvas bags, food *, games, toys, bananas

*NEW Hope of Dzerzhinsk Disability Group

Fruit and cookies

Clothing and shoes

Since we just started with this group, we have assessed the needs, and they will apply for a grant (contact us for specific details to help this deserving group of physically challenged children and adults)

Needs: Laptop for a teen with Cerebral Palsy for his institute studies

Medicine: Desferal for boy with iron problems Resistance exercise bands Christmas boxes (please contact us for more information) Craft supplies – $30.00 Sports equipment – $50.00 Applying for a grant for specific needs for their facility – please contact us if interested in helping

*NEW Senior Citizen group of Dzershinzk


Large bag of clothing – MWCOC, Kathy G., Betty R., Jane W.

Needs: Applying for a grant for medicine/crutches

House of Prayer Church of Dzerzhinsk

One very large box of mixed adult and children clothing – Andrea R., Jane W., Kathy L.

2 bags of shoes – Kathy G., Kathy L.

Kivoro Church of Christ

Boxes of clothing for local distribution

Without the help of so many people, we could never serve all these deserving children and adults. We try to direct people towards self-sufficiency, but that doesn’t always work, especially for young orphans. We steer all Internot children to make wise Godly decisions, by talking, teaching and praying with them. We are excited about what God is doing in the hearts of so many people in Ukraine and are thankful for the continued opportunity to serve them.

Volunteer Updates: Please note our needs area below each facility, as needs are ever present and many times facility specific. We are thankful to the many individuals that have picked up the volunteer ball and have taken specific causes on and have successfully provided aid to hundreds. Special thanks to Margaret S. and her colleagues and friends for their special interest in the Kremenchuk Boys Prison. These boys are the forgotten orphans, due to their criminal activity. Many of which were only trying to survive: the orphans are at the bottom of the help chain (along with the invalids). Five HUGE boxes of clothing are on their way, and funds to assist with food, medicine and other ministry needs. Additionally, because of a generous sponsor, the Artum Orphan Hospital will have a rehabilitation room in the Fall. The room is presently being prepared and equipment is being ordered. The IPC Foundation has been wonderfully generous, and you will notice the number of items in the summer distribution that can be attributed to their support. We are now in the process of bringing another child to the states for medical care, and we are thankful to Fresh Start for their support in this effort. Large clothing donors, Frieda H. and friends., Anne H., Andrea R. and friends, Rachel E., Anita B., Raa Middle School, Rick S. and friends, Kathy G., Kristy C.. Our Blanket Group: Mary D. and friends, have made over 500 blankets! God is good!

PRESENT NEEDS: – Medical professionals ARE NEEDED to volunteer for our Fall trip. His Kids, Too! has been invited again to present life saving information to orphan teen boys and girls. We have the curriculum: we just need presenters. If you feel moved to spend 7-14 days in Ukraine ministering to this age group, please contact us before September 1, 2006.

 – Christmas boxes for thousands of orphans – we have a volunteer, if you like to assist with this project

– Christian Children’s Home – we are happy to report that progress is being made, and since we are registered FUND in Ukraine, this will greatly benefit the status of this project.

We thank you again for your love, support, prayers and encouragement, and we look forward to hearing from you.


Teresa C. Fillmon

Director/His Kids, Too!/Cornerstone Adoption Services, Inc.


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