Spring 2005

Spring 2005 Travel Report

Our spring visit to Ukraine was different from any other visit and very busy. His Kids, Too! director, Teresa and her son, Dallas, accompanied her on the trip. Dallas has been serving orphans since 1999, and this was his 8th trip to Ukraine.

Our trip would consist of visiting the facilities that His Kids, Too! already is servicing, accessing new needs, visiting new facilities that have requested assistance, visiting with church members, and ministering to Christina, our translator, friend, and sister in Christ. After arriving, and visiting with Christina, our schedule changed, as our priorities for this trip changed. It was obvious that she was quite ill, and time needed to be allocated to assist her and minister to her. We were blessed to have enough time to visit 9 facilities, accommodating them with clothing, personal hygiene bags, toys, blankets, hats, scarves, shoes, medical supplies and much more.

We arrived in snowy Dzerzhinsk and work was waiting for us. Thousands of pounds of aide that had been sent prior to our trip waited to be sorted for distribution. Ray, Lynn, and our new board member, Denis, were all there to assist with the sorting. The 2 weeks that followed we visited the facilities listed below, visiting well over 1000 children and many adults. We put clothing on children (when allowed), provided a hug or comfort when needed, visited with the older teens, and mentally challenged citizens. Many offered ‘needs’ lists for their continued needs, which is below if your heart feels the needs to assist in this ministry. Without your assistance we cannot possibly reach the thousands of people who need help, care and the message of Christ. We thank you in advance for your assistance.

Facility distributions:

Artum Orphan Hospital: Baby blankets (thank you Andrea B.), stockings, knitted hats, and booties, mattresses, lotion, q-tips, Destin ointment, baby shampoo, busy boxes (thank you Kennette), toys, sleepers, 200 clothe diapers (thank you Walter Steely), diaper pins, and electronic scales

Dzerzhinsk Internat (110 orphans, 465 children): stockings, socks, hats, gloves, scarves (thank you Frieda H.), clothing, shampoo, toothpaste, personal care bags.

Dzerzhinsk Orphanage (45 kids): clothing, socks, shampoo, toothpaste.

The Norvgorosk Internat is home to 50 orphans: Personal care bags for all children, clothing, stockings, markers, books, shampoo, toothpaste, toys and games (thank you Raa Middle School)

Teremok Orthopedic Hospital (60 +/-): 200 cloth diapers (thank you Walter Steely), clothing, toys, hats, and gloves

Aids facility (130 children): 200 clothe diapers (Thank you Walter Steely), 25 blankets (thank you Frieda, Andrea, Zula), clothing, knitted caps and booties, Destin cream

Our Children Orphanage (150 +/-): 20 blankets, knitted hats and booties, stockings, toys (thank you Jody Glenn), Destin cream, clothing, on-going juice and diaper program

The ‘Forgotten’ Facility (working from a provided list) 325 patients: clothing, hats, and cookies and apples

Mental Hospital (60 patients): Clothing, socks

Local Allergy Hospital: Large quantity of allergy medications (thank you Ellen D.)

Community Outreach in Dzerzhinsk: Over 200 lbs of clothing were provided for needy families via Yuri Y.

Old Folks Home: Time did not permit us to visit this facility, but we left 3 large boxes (clothing, blankets, checkers/puzzles/cards, medicine) for later distribution. Thank you Ellen D. for the warm scarves and lap blankets. The Shelter: Time did not permit us to get to this facility, but 3 boxes of clothing, shoes, toys (thank you Raa Middle School), toothpaste and other items, were left for later distribution. Also, clothing soap, bar soap, shampoo and lotion were purchased and taken to the facility.

Facility Needs:

ALL facilities for children 5-18 and adults need dark socks or $300. to purchase in country

Artum Orphan Hospital: need plastic pants for diapers

Dzerzhinsk Internat: personal care bags, sheets ($500.00 in country purchase for 3 facilities)

Dzerzhinsk Orphanage: personal care bags, shoes, slippers

Norvgorosk Internat – 50 orphans: personal care bags, shoes, globes for class rooms, and large maps, and clothing for teens

Teremok Orthopedic Hospital (60 +/-): clothing and orthopedic equipment, $150.00 to continue diaper and juice program Aids facility -130 children: sheets (purchase in country), need plastic pants, $100.00 for diaper and juice program

Our Children Orphanage (150 +/-): $200.00 monthly to continue the diaper and juice program

Donetsk Internat: Funds for personal hygiene products for girls – $80.00 monthly for 100 girls.

The Shelter: CLOTHING and SHOES (the turnover is every 30 months for this 75 bed facility)

 “The Forgotten” – This facility provided a needs list, and several U.S. churches are working together on this list. Funds are needed for this desperately needy facility.

Mental Hospital (60 patients): Clothing, socks and slippers, funds for medicine ($40.00 monthly)

Donetsk Home for the Elderly – 70 clients 70 – 95 yrs. of age: A new facility for us: Night gowns, men’s P.J.’s, slippers, socks, magnifying glasses, personal care bags, clothing, checkers, chess, walkers and toilet chairs Unfortunately due to running back and forth to Dzerzhinsk and Donetsk, and that Teresa got very ill on the trip, sadly we were unable to have lady’s Bible classes. The ladies understood, but it has always been a practice on each trip.


His Kids, Too! became a registered charity in Ukraine

His Kids, Too! obtained their 501c3 renewal from the U.S. government

His Kids, Too! is in the process of purchasing a kindergarten to renovate for a Christian Children’s Home, we need your help. Please contact us for a DVD on this project.

Denis Lapin was added as a board member.

Up coming events for His Kids, Too!:

Continue to ship aide to Ukraine for distribution

Greeting cards are now on sale in the Gift Shop. All artwork by orphans.

Continue to assist Christian families with adoption services in Ukraine

Continue to provide adoption grants to adopting families, when funds are available

Continue to take the gospel of Christ to the lost souls of Ukraine, and encourage those in the brotherhood to persevere in the faith

We continue to be amazed at the power of the living God we serve. He continually opens doors to opportunities of service, and you continue to provide the financial support for these programs. Some situations are more desperate than others, and we pray for discernment. We are sad to report that Christina passed away April 2, 2005. Services were held at the Polatarsky Church of Christ on April 4. We are so thankful for her Godly life, love, smiles, and hugs. She loved orphans, and shared that love with so many. We covet your prayers and appreciate your encouragement, and continued support.


Teresa Fillmon Director/His Kids, Too!

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