History of His Kids, Too!

“The realization of a dream is contingent on the action of the dreamer.”
Beth Moore

In 1985, God allowed the Fillmons (founders of His Kids Too) the opportunity to provide clothing for needy children/families and the elderly in their community of Tallahassee, FL. Through the years, the ministry has grown from providing clothing to locals, to serving people in nine third-world countries, in addition to children and adults in the U.S. The purpose has always been the same: to provide clothing and household goods, free to anyone in need. Locally, they depend on social workers to assess the needs of the school children and the elderly, and they, personally, work with the missionaries abroad. Prior to becoming a charity, the Fillmons provided this aid through local missionaries serving throughout the world. The Fillmons (in conjunction with these missionaries) distributed over $5,000,000 (in-kind) in aid to over 100,000 people in the following countries: Haiti, Mexico, Cuba, the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Albania, Italy, Bosnia and Nigeria.

After prayer and consideration, a decision was made to choose a country to focus on the specific needs of orphans and the needy so that we could channel our resources for a significant impact. With the adoption of their 2 children from Ukraine, the connection with Ukraine seemed the logical choice to concentrate time and energy into the country where their children had their roots. Ukraine has been the primary focus country of His Kids Too! since 1998, although when needs arise in other countries, they assist when able. In 2000, His Kids, Too! became a 501(c) 3 charity, and in 2005 became a recognized charity in the country of Ukraine.

Examples of how we accomplish our mission include: providing diapers, toys, shoes and clothing to thousands of children living in orphanages, and orphan shelters;  our Community Center we built in 2011, the Children’s Christian Home, Summer Bible Camp Programs, Fall and Spring Mission trips, over 1000 Christmas stockings for those in need, provide Christian literature and teaching materials to local churches, an annual men’s winter mission trip; distribution of over 50 tons of food, clothing, medical supplies,  to those in need from (2014 – 2022).

Since 2014 His Kids Too has shifted some of their efforts to help Ukraine maintain their autonomy. We support UA in all their efforts to remain free and democratic. We constantly assess the needs of the communities and orphanages that we serve to provide services that are timely and relevant.  We continue to support orphans, widows, invalids, the local poor and oppressed, UA military, and others in need, while sharing with them the forgiving love and grace of Jesus Christ.

February 2022

****DUE TO THE ILLEGAL INVASION by russia, presently, His Kids Too is focused on helping people find a safe place to evacuate, temporary housing, food, water, clothing, medical assistance.    All our original programs have been put on ‘hold’, as people seek safe shelter.  His Kids Too staff has moved to the interior of Ukraine, and 2 have moved from Ukraine.   We continue to serve refugees in our present location.   But we want you to know that we continue to need your help, we continue to serve Ukrainians in the US and abroad.   Please consider a tax deductible donation to help offset the cost of aid to help these deserving children and adults.  

“Human suffering anywhere concerns men and women everywhere.”
Elie Wiesel

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