McDonald Family

We are in a love Haiti relationship! Haiti is a typical third world country when it comes to government instability and inconsistent systems. We are old pros with the ups and downs of a Haitian adoption being as we went through this for Bo. Consequently, we know that prayer and a heavy leaning on the Father is the only thing that will make an impact. We are obediently following God’s lead (despite my words that we would never do this again). We are in the process of bringing our beautiful six year old daughter, Berline, home. I would say patiently waiting, but that wouldn’t be completely accurate. But I am confident that He will bring our family together in His perfect timing.

God places the lonely in families Psalms 68:5-6

Please pray for our sanity in this long crazy process. Please pray for comfort and safety for Berline. We know that God’s Glory will shine through this journey, however difficult.

One of our challenges is finances. We estimate the remaining fees and travel costs to be around $10,000.

Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love. –Mother Teresa

We have been amazed how God has taken our small efforts and made much of them. If you would like to be a part of God bringing Berline to her forever family, you can donate below. Thank you for supporting us through donations, prayer, and friendship.

Grace & Peace,
The McDonalds

His Kids Too!
219 – B Delta Court
Tallahassee, FL 32303