Teen Health

At His Kids Too!, we care for orphans and their surrounding community through our comprehensive ministry programs which share the love of Jesus Christ through tangible physical aid and social services.

** located at Community Center/Christian Children’s Home

Teen Health and Abstinence Program
Teaching that God’s word instructs us on our moral character, teen girls and boys, 13-18 years of age are instructed via medical staff and support personnel, using audio visual and written materials on topics such as the importance of sexual abstinence, the consequences of premarital sex which are sexually transmitted infection, unplanned pregnancy and abortion complications. Other information taught are the dangers of illicit drug, smoking and alcohol use on teens; respect for self and others’ bodies; and prenatal care including the effects of drugs and alcohol on a growing fetus. In addition to the presentation of the material in a fast-paced, interactive format to teens, school district educators are then presented a class on the material which integrates teaching tips and audiovisual aids for their use in future classes.

Prior to the involvement of His Kids Too! in the district school system, this life-changing material had not been taught. Due to the close collaboration between His Kids Too! and the local district administrators, this program has become possible. Future classes will include more discussion on committing to abstinence and workshops for teens in role-playing to support their choice in staying sexually abstinent.

Our vision: is that orphaned children in Ukraine can grow in an atmosphere of dignity and respect, fulfill their God-given potential and, ultimately, participate in the economic and spiritual future of their country.


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