Kristy Cates

KristyCates.jpgI live in Valdosta, GA, and teach journalism/English at Lowndes High School.  I went to the Ukraine in the summer of 2005.

I taught the high school class at Public School #10 in Dzerzhinsk for a week.  Then I stayed another week to help visit the orphanages.  I got to see most of the ones His Kids Too! helps.  We passed out many bananas and cookies which gave me the idea of Going Bananas for Orphans.  Lowndes High School raised almost $2,000 this Fall to provide seasonal fruit to as many orphanages as possible.  They will collect again in March.

I was certainly touched by the conditions andvchildren.  I could tell you stories of walking with Oleg, a toddler badly burned, or holding hands with a malnutritioned, barely clothed teenager before we entered Torez who looked longingly at the food in the market.

I have known the Fillmons for almost 20 years and taught Dallas (their son) as a kindergarten student during Sunday school.  I also kept in touch with Bill Wharton and have helped send money and clothes to the Ukraine.  It is very faith building to see how God has provided for the orphans and the people of Ukraine.  God continues to open doors and opportunities to this area.  Jesus said pure and undefiled religion is helping widows and orphans.  This is a wonderful opportunity to be like Jesus.  You can help in so many ways.

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