“Go”, is a verb…

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and o the Holy Spirit.” Matt. 28:18, 19

I’m not anyone important, just a person that heard a calling from God to   ‘GO’ to a foreign land, a land of the lost, and take something very important to them.  Something foreign to them, but potentially life changing, to those who grasp and receive the message. Something so powerful that regardless of their life circumstances, the hope in the message could alter their future.   It is not a calling I took lightly, and it is a calling that came with great sacrifice.  I will never know the life that ‘might have been’, had I not answered the still, small whisper of God to, ‘GO’…but what I do know is that it not only molded me into the person I am today, but molded my family into who they are today.  My decision to step out in faith and going to a foreign land, was not a simple task, nor a task taken lightly.  It is not a vacation, it is not glamorous or popular, as some may think; and the sacrifices to your personal life and family, always come with ‘a cost’.  God never said ‘going’ would be easy, what He does tell us, is that He is always with us, and will never leave us.’  I find great comfort in that promise, even more so in the last 4 years. 

This work afforded me the opportunity to help families in many situations; divorce, abandonment and adoption, all types of abuse, financial crisis, unemployment, homelessness, to helping young mothers, to something as simple as assisting with child care needs.  This was all done via my employment along with my volunteer work to provide tangible assistance to families in need.  Work was 9-5, but volunteering went into the after hours and weekends of my family time.  I drew upon our church family for assistance when needed, but generally speaking, it was my husband and myself quietly, and subversively helping hundreds of people and families annually.  It was not for attention, as this is what we are called to do.  “Help the orphan and widow, and those in need.” (James 1:27)  So for us, this was just obedience to the word of God; helping others was a way of life, not a chore or something done for attention.  In time, we started a family, and had a son and 2 girls.  We were a happy family, working, serving God, and loving each other.  Weekends were consumed with family fun, boating, beaching, visiting family, sports events and friends.  Our kids were very active, and having 3 kids in 4 years, they were close in age and relationship.  Our close-knit family was happy, and had a strong bond….and then ‘life’ happened.  Sadly, in May 1997 Rich’s mother unexpectedly passed away, leaving a huge gapping hole in our family.  No one expected that curve ball God threw us.  We didn’t see anything good in that, just pain and sorrow.  We were all numb, going through the motions of life.  My father-in-law was in shock, Rich was devastated.  I was left to try and pick up the pieces, care for our children who had just lost their precious grandmother and work.  I fully supported Rich taking care of his father, as that was what was a priority and necessary.  He spent weeks away trying to help his grieving father.  I spent many lonely nights grieving myself, as I had known my mother-in-law longer than I even knew my husband; she was a sweet friend and mother-in-law to me, and a loving mother to Rich, and amazing grandmother to the kids.   It was a difficult time of leaning on each other and God.  After  a year my father-in-law decided to sell the ‘family home’ and move to our town, residing just ½ a mile from us.  Frequent visits to our home and his, and all the love in the world from us and his grandchildren, could never mend his heart.  It was broken, as well as Rich’s. 

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