Emmons Missions

The Emmons Family

Emmons Family Missionaries to Belize

Mark and Dana were married Sept 06, 2003 and have been taking care of the “Least of These” (Matthew 25:45) ever since. They have 8 children, have been foster parents, adopted 2 children and been a part of His Kids Too! for over 10 years. Their whole lives God has been preparing them…refining them by the fire for the mission that is before them. Some days the challenges have seemed overwhelming but every trial has been preparing the Emmons so that they might have “a future and a hope”. Not only for their own family, but for those the Lord has called them to serve in Belize.

“We thank you for your prayers and financial support of this ministry to Belize.” Mark and Dana Emmons


contact:  markndana090604@yahoo.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dana.coffeltemmons

Donate at “How to Help” menu  be sure to put Emmons Missionary on the donation page


Teresa Fillmon

Financial Assistance Administrator:  Teresa Fillmon – Director of His Kids Too!

I have known Mark and Dana Emmons for over 10 years, and been witness to their commitment to the orphaned, poor, broken, and lost.  They have come along side His Kids Too! and supported us in every way; it is with great privilege that we are able to provide support, encouragement, and an avenue that for those that desire to support their efforts in Belize via tax deductible donations to His Kids Too! on their behalf.  Will you join me in prayer and action, as they step into the ‘boat’ of international ministry, knowing that God will provide for them in every way to transform many lives.



                                                           Accountability Partners

Robert and Joanna Boyer

 Robert and Joanna Boyer have known the Emmons for over 20 years. Robert and Joanna are passionate for Christ, serving Him in inner-city ministry, Latin American missions; worship and prayer ministry as a family in house church, local church and revival movements, and raising and homeschooling their three sons.




Sending Church

Pastor Randy & Kelly Reed

Be Light. Give Hope. Demonstrate God’s Power. Celebrate God’s Presence. At Lift Church KC God has ignited a passion to declare and demonstrate His love to our city, our nation and even to the nations of the earth. And He has brought together a wonderful group of people to help us build something great for Him. We are one body with many parts…but there’s still room for you! That’s what the missing block in the “L” of our logo represents…YOU!





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