
>>>>>All programs are on ‘hold’ at this time due to the illegal invasion of russia<<<<<

You have made the decision to adopt. You have the funds to raise the child, but the adoption costs are the challenging part. Fundraising for your adoption can be very time-consuming and frustrating if you’re not careful. Remember, your goal is to provide a loving home for a child, and to successfully meet the goal may take alot of sacrifice. For successful fundraising there are several important things to remember:

1. The child you will adopt – keeping this in the forefront will help you stay focused

2. Review your finances – pay off debts, cut back on spending, ask yourself: ‘what can I do without for the sake of my child’

3. Have a strategy for fund raising, i.e. letter writing, grants, raffles, etc. write down the plan

4. Set realistic goals for your area – but don’t limit God

There are many fund raising opportunities, and we would like to share some with you.

  • Hosting a dinner – we had the opportunity to assist in a spaghetti dinner that cost less than $200.00 to ‘put on,’ but raised $2000.00 in 3 hours.
  • Raffle – solicit some local merchants for dinner coupons, amusement park tickets, oil changes, just about anything, and raffle these at the dinner, or sell tickets for a chance to win the prizes.
  • Garage Sales – it is amazing how much ‘stuff’ we have, and if you are able to solicit friends for donations of their ‘treasures’ you can make quite a bit… our highest garage sale total has been, $1200.00
  • garagesale.jpg
  • Donation letters – It is important for your friends, family and colleagues to know about your ‘adoption journey,’ so they can pray for you. But additionally, your financial plight to achieve this goal may touch their hearts. Writing a letter explaining what you’re doing and give them the opportunity to help you. We provide a sample letter for all our Adoption Bank Account holders.
  • Check out our Adoption Financial Assistance Program- His Kids, Too! offers financial assistance, please review this section of our site. Apply for Grants: His Kids, Too! offers adoption grants, as do just a few others. Check this area of our site to see if you can qualify for financial assistance.

“Sacrifice the temporary for the sake of the eternal.” Margaret Klein

Other Helpful suggestions – try the fund raising techniques listed below or visit for several other wonderful ideas.

2 thoughts on “Fundraising

  1. Are you all still in operation? It doesn’t look like there has been any activity on the website in 7 years. We are adopting from China and were looking for a way for donors to have access to a 501c3 for tax deductible purposes and were wondering about the grant aspect of this as well.

    1. Hello Lynnette, thanks for your note. We do most of our communications via facebook. Thanks for your inquiry.

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