His Kids Too! G…
Spring 2008
Spring 2008
Spring 2008 was a time of confirmation from God concerning the work of this ministry in Ukraine. Please review the photos and share in our journey.
Hello, precious!
Sunday also allowed for time to visit the local children's shelter.
These young ladies loved their gifts!
These fellowers were sleeping when we arrived, but they came out for gifts.
These torn slippers were replaced with...
...new ones!!
This boy was very happy with his new slippers.
The kids loved the match-box cars, thank you Walter S.
These hats and toys are donations from the Wiles family...thank you!
These precious girls shared the doll.
The 2nd week was FULL of places to go and orphans to spread the love of Jesus with...
Our first stop was Shaktursk Internot. The director is always grateful to see us. We left boxes of clothing and much more.
Thank you to Frieda H. and many others for the wonderful blankets!!
...and here, we left some care bags, and stuffed animals. They usually do not allow for stuffed animals, but they did today.
Our next stop was a small orphan shelter, where we were told that the monthly food funds had not arrived; we quickley went to th
We also left blankets...
...personal care bags and stuffed animals...
...toys and games...
...then we went and visited with the children.
beautiful children...
Children were given instruction on what was in the personal care bags...
...and what it was used for.
Photos 49 - 72 of 141