His Kids Too! G…
Spring 2008
Spring 2008
Spring 2008 was a time of confirmation from God concerning the work of this ministry in Ukraine. Please review the photos and share in our journey.
We were invited to share the Teen Health materials with representatives from each public High School.
JoAnn even used the example of 'how an STD is spread' with teachers, which they enjoyed.
Teachers were attentive and interested in the vital information.
Our evenings consisted of packing personal care bags.
Thank you Theresa M. for the thousands of personal care items!
These bags were later given out during the aid distribution.
Weekends were spent at the local Internot providing ...
...even an egg hunt...
...the kids really thought that was cool!
Children loved the opportunity to chose a stuffed animal.
Roma, Alyonna and Marina show off their animals.
... Bible stories...
Children were allowed to chose clothing.
Special thanks to The Wiles Family and to Lucille M. for these lovely scarves.
Natasha, a resident since age 13, was very pleased with her gifts.
Weekend time afforded us the opportunity to visit the local orphan hospital and visit with the babies.
He's a cutie.
They enjoy the playroom.
Just 4 months old!
And another, just 4 months old.
JoAnn spends some time with this little boy.
Photos 25 - 48 of 141