His Kids Too! G…
Spring 2008
Spring 2008
Spring 2008 was a time of confirmation from God concerning the work of this ministry in Ukraine. Please review the photos and share in our journey.
Our trip was divided into 2 very different weeks. Week one, providing information for kids and teens on 'healthy living.'
It was great to have Christine H. from NJ, to teach hand washing and dental care to children 6-11.
Kids enjoy holding the 'germ' ball...
Thanks to Reidland Baptist Church, the model teeth were a HUGE 'hit'.
With the permission of the local Dept. of Education, hundreds of students heard this beneficial information.
Children enjoyed the color sheets, and enthusiastically wanted to practice with the model teeth.
At the local internot over 100 children heard the presentation.
Children anxiously await for the lesson.
JoAnn V. of NJ was a big hit with the teen girls demonstrating how STD's are contracted.
Teen girls were given life-saving information so that they can make healthy life choices.
Information was well received and by the results of the surveys, infomation on STD's was most beneficial.
Kids enjoyed having their photo taken after the classes.
It was a pleasure to have Sundy G. back on the team from Fall 2007, and she presented her vision of Abstience for teen girls.
It was interesting to watch as girls had to decide 'what' they would trade their heart for.
Girls evaluated each exchange to see if it was worth the trade.
The program was presented to both public school children, and children residing at the local internot (orphanage)
Girls enjoyed their photos taken with the American team...
...as did directors and officials.
We were even treated to a wonderful song and dance.
Each day were we presented with tea, and a nice traditional lunch.
If time permitted, the schools that had heritage museums, gave us a tour.
Even in this very poor school, they took pride in their culture.
Photos 1 - 24 of 141