His Kids Too! G…
Adoption Travel…
Adoption Travel Guide
International travel can be a little intimidating for some people. Ukraine is no exception. We hope that this picture guide and directions will put your mind at ease.
The infamous borsht, served many times with a spoonful of sourcream. Delicious!
Orphanage gifts. There are 'regular' large toy stores, and then there are small stores inside larger multi purpose buildings.
Blankets, purchased in Ukraine for $15.00 each.
This Dr. is happy for the gift of bed linens, $4.50 each.
Kids will love fruit, and it is much better for them than candies.
Orphanage gifts of clothing, and crib mobiles are appreciated. All purchased in Ukraine.
Baby items can be purchased locally in Ukraine.
You really 'can' buy just about anything in Ukraine.
During the process you will have your court hearing, obtain new birth certificate, new passport, and obtain other officials docs
Winters in Ukraine can be brutal. If you live in a 'warmer climate' state, you can purchase heavy clothing in Ukraine.
When we left Ukraine in early 2003 with our daughter, there was a terrible snow storm, 15 inches in 4 hours, atop 10 inches.
When all your paperwork is complete in the city, you will depart for Kyiv. Train compartments are 6 x 5.
Ukraine is a beautiful country, if you don't travel in winter, enjoy the scenery on the train ride back to Kyiv.
Once you return to Kyiv, you will visit a few offices with your facilitator. You will have a Dr. appointment ($100.00).
You will visit the SDA, as the ladies enjoy seeing the child with their new family.
Kyiv is a beautiful city, and if time permits take the opportunity to take in some sights.
Sights of Kyiv.
Ukrainians pride themselves with their beautiful Orthodox churches.
One of the many statues that you will see if time allows for sight seeing in Kyiv.
If time permits, once you are back in Kyiv, take a ride on the funicular (cable car) . Built in 1905...
Of course, your trip would not be complete without a trip to Andriyivsky Uzviz (St. Andrews church in the rear) for souvenirs.
The church at St. Andrews is conveniently located just across the street from the souvenir street shops.
One of our favorite vendors, he is a special friend, honest and fair with his prices. No time to shop, Visit our Gift Shop!
It is great to know that you have almost completed your adoption journey in Ukraine. A visit to the U.S. Embassy for the visa.
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